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Content Widget

With the Content Widget you can display another content or loop inside of your content.


Please note

The content widget runs in an iframe, which inherently has performance issues on some devices due to the iframe implementation on the platform. The widget loads another instance of the entire displayer (or loop displayer with loops) within the iframe. This results in substantial extra workload on the device, especially if multiple widgets are used simultaneously.

Please use this widget while keeping performance in mind.

Properties >> Widget >> Main


In the Content Menu, you can select the content or loop you want to display in your main content by clicking on the Choose content button.

'One page' function displays only one page of a content. After you select a content as the source you can select which page you want to appear.

In 'Query params' you can set parameters for the widget (like top=0). These parameters are for softmatrix displaying.


By clicking on the "Choose content" button, the content browser appears where you can select the Loops, Contents, or Schedules you want to play.

You can search for the name and type if there are multiple contents.

Only one can be selected at a time.


When you hover over the content, two buttons appear. The first button start playing the content. By pressing the second button, the layers window will appear.


Size & Position

In the Size & Position Menu, you can select the width, height, and placement of your widget quickly.



In the Effects Menu you can set the rounding and the opacity of your widget.


Proof of Play

Proof of play is a reporting system, that allows you to gain report about used assets.

If you turn on widget statistics you can report information about the displayed duration,number of displays and interaction events of this widget.


Properties >> Widget >> Other


In Behaviour menu you can decice whether the widget shall be interactive or not


In the Effects Menu you can select a 'Background image' or 'Color' to your widget.
Enabling the 'Click through' function allows you to click through the widget and interact with other widgets behind this one.
Here you can add a 'Shadow' and 'Border' to your widget.



In the Animation Menu you can choose the 'Enter and Exit animation' of your widget.
