📄️ Area Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Bar Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Column Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Gauge Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Line Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Meter widget
How to use Meter widget in content editing.
📄️ Pie Chart Widget
This section is only visible if you have any kind of datasource already set up, as they can't work without connected data.
📄️ Power BI Widget
Power BI is the collective name for an assortment of cloud-based apps and services that help organizations collate, manage, and analyze data from a variety of sources, through a user-friendly interface.
📄️ Pyramid Chart Widget
How to use Pyramid Chart Widget in content editing.
🗃️ Table widget
3 items