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Advanced installation on Windows

Using configuration file

After basic installation steps, if you wish to skip manually setting the configurations you can use the Read configuration from external device

Please note

The config.json file must be located next to the exe file, or in the root directory of a USB pendrive.

For example: if you set your installation folder to C:\Wallboard then you need to have the config.json there

"serverUrl": "https://your.server.url",
"installRuleKey": "3X4MPL4-1NST4LL-K3Y",
"advanced": {
"autoStartApplication": false,
"windowMovable": false,
"lockDevice": false,
"windowMinimizable": false,
"windowResizable": false,
"windowStartPosition": "Center|LeftTop",
"windowWidth": 960,
"windowHeight": 540,
"alwaysOnTop": true,
"disableWindowsTimeSync": false,
"windowStyle": "FullScreen|FullScreenMultiple|Windowed",
"orientation": "Default|Landscape|Portrait|LandscapeFlipped|PortraitFlipped",
"virtualKeyboard": true

Using install rules

In the Install rules menu, you can create predefined rules for a mass device assignment process. Each rule has a unique install key that identifies the rule and has to be defined in the device installation script. See more about Install rules

Using commandline parameters

You can automate your installation process by calling the installer .exe through Windows Commandline or Powershell CLI


.\wallboard-win-x64-setup.exe /SERVERURL "" /WINDOWMODE "WINDOW" /MOVABLE "true" /STARTUPPOSITION "LEFT_TOP" /AUTOUPDATE "true" /dir="C:\Wallboard" /AUTOSTART "true" /ALWAYSONTOP "false" /VIRTUALKEYBOARD "false" /METRICENABLED "false"  /SILENT

List of parameters:

/SERVERURL: Server url to which the client will connect to.
/INSTALLRULEKEY: Install Rule key for the device.
/WINDOWMODE: The Window mode of the application, options:
- "FULLSCREEN" (Default)
/MOVABLE: This can only be used when the Window mode is set to "WINDOW". Sets whether the window of the application is movable or not (Disabled by default).
/WIDTH: This can only be used when the Window mode is set to "WINDOW". Sets the window width".
/HEIGHT: This can only be used when the Window mode is set to "WINDOW". Sets the window height".
/STARTUPPOSITION: This can only be used when the Window mode is set to "WINDOW". Sets the position of the window, options:
/ORIENTATION: Sets the orientation of the screen, options:
- "DEFAULT" (Default, The systems default orientation)
/LOCK: The application will lock the device after the installation.
/DISABLEWINDOWSTIMESYNC: Disables the built-in Windows time sync service. (Disabled by default)
/AUTOSTART: Sets whether the application should start when the device starts. (Enabled by default)
/AUTOUPDATE: Sets whether the application should update itself automatically when the application starts. (Enabled by default)
/ALWAYSONTOP: Sets whether the application should always be on top of every window. (Enabled by default)
/VIRTUALKEYBOARD: Sets whether the built-in virtual keyboard should be used or not. (Enabled by default)
/LAUNCHAPPLICATION: If this parameter is set then the application will start after the installation.
/SILENT: This will start the installer silently, and only will show the install progress window.
/VERYSILENT:This will start the installer in the most silent mode, no window will appear during the installation.
/DIR: Sets the installation directory. (The default is C:\Wallboard)
/METRICENABLED: If this parameter is set to false then the application will not upload metrics to the server. (Enabled by default)

Metric Service

When the /METRICENABLED flag is set to false then the installer will not copy the dlls needed for the Metric service, and will disable the Metric service entirely in the application. This setting only takes effect on a clean Windows application installation.

If the application is already installed and you want to disable the metric service or you do not want the dlls in your application follow these steps:

  1. Uninstall the Windows signage application
  2. Restart the device
  3. Go to the folder where the application was installed (On default it is: C:\Wallboard)
  4. Remove the folder entirely.
  5. Install the application with the /METRICENABLED param set to false

Silent installation

When the installer is started with the /VERYSILENT parameter then the cmd is not notified when the installation is finished. In this case in the command line run the command with that start /wait command

start /wait .\wallboard-win-x64-setup.exe /SERVERURL "" /VERYSILENT)

or in Powershell with the Start-Process command

Start-Process -FilePath ".\wallboard-win-x64-setup.exe" -Wait -ArgumentList "/c /SERVERURL"" /VERYSILENT"