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Locking down Windows application

Lock default mode

Locking down the device means that our application will optimize the Windows system for running as a digital signage device.

What does default locking do?

  • If a device is locked down users will not be able to interact with applications other than ours.
  • You can also hide the taskbar and disable the edge gestures on a touch display.

Lock / Unlock device

From 1.x UI

You are also able to Lock/Unlock a Windows device from our editor UI. On the Screen right click > Device Properties > Lock screen

  • In the modal you can select to Lock or to Unlock the screen

From 2.0 UI

If you are using 2.0 UI you can also lock / unlock your device.

  • You have to navigate yourself to Devices
  • Then select the device you wish to lock
  • It will navigate you to Device details where you have to select Settings
  • Here you will find a modal called Device, where you can adjust the device-related settings.
  • Find the Lock switch in the list to lock / unlock your device.

  • If you would like to restore the device to its original state you can unlock the device.
  • Unlocking will enable all applications that were disabled by the locking process and will re-set device.

During device installation


If you have selected one of the Fullscreen modes you will be able to Lock your application.

Inside secret menu

You can lock the device inside secret menu options.



For more information about Secret menu visit the following article: Windows secret menus

Lock KIOSK mode

With Wallboard Windows application version 3.1.329, our application can turn on Kiosk mode.

What does KIOSK locking do?

  • The feature replaces the explorer with the Wallboard signage application as the default shell, and filters specific keyboard shortcuts.
  • The application runs under a different Windows user, created automatically by the function.
Please note

If you wish to use the Windows in normal mode you have to switch to the default User by pressing the Windows button on the keyboard 5 times. The next time the device starts it will log in to the Wallboard user again and start the Wallboard application automatically.


  • Windows 10, or 11 Enterprise OS installed with English language!
  • Wallboard application version 3.1.329 or higher

How to set up Kiosk mode

  1. Install Wallboard application on a device
    • We recommend to turn on the Lock device feature in the installer
  2. Register it on our Website under your user
  3. Send down the following user command to the device
{"user_command":"SetUpKioskMode", "command_data":{}}

For more information about how to use user commands visit the following article: Generic User commands for Windows

Now the device will restart and the application will start in Kiosk mode.

You can also enable key filtering which will disable any keyboard combination that is not ours.

Inside secret menu

You can lock the device inside secret menu options.



For more information about Secret menu visit the following article: Windows secret menus

Unlock Kiosk device

Please note

To unlock a Kiosk mode device please contact us on the email address.