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Supported Browsers

Editor UI

Our main supported browser is Chrome for the Wallboard Editor website. It can work in Edge and Safari browsers, but it is not optimized, there could be unexpected issues that can occur on them. Due to ongoing improvements and updates, older browsers may run into compatibility issues, therefore, we recommend using the latest Chrome version for editing and previewing content on our web UI.

Supported Webview version on devices

Please note:

For displaying contents on devices the lowest supported Chrome version is version 53 or in the case of some devices the equivalent version of system Webview. Under this specified version some features may not work or there may be no content appearing at all on the screen.


Therefore, we strongly recommend using the latest Chrome version and updating devices if possible by updating the Webview version itself or the firmware version where applicable.

The Browser Client requires a Chromium version 71+ to function properly.

Device models and Webview versions

Below is a comprehensive list of the devices that we encounter the most, including their firmware version, Webview version and support status.

Currently supported device line-up
Manufacturer / Model seriesPlatform / FWChromium versionFirmware version support status
SamsungTizen 7.094✔️
SamsungTizen 6.585✔️
SamsungTizen 6.076✔️
SamsungTizen 5.569
SamsungTizen 5.063
SamsungTizen 4.056✔️
SamsungTizen 3.047
SamsungTizen 2.4-
LGWebOS TV 6.x79✔️
LGWebOS TV 4.x53✔️
LGWebOS TV 3.038
LGWebOS TV 2.x-
LGWebOS TV 1.x-
BrightSign Series 5BS 9.0.168120In special cases 9.0.168 can be recommended
BrightSign Series 5BS 9.0.x87✔️
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.5.x87In special cases 8.5.47 can be recommended
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.4.x69✔️
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.3.x69✔️
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.2.x69✔️
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.1.x69✔️
BrightSign Series 3 & 4BS 8.0.x65✔️
Giada DN76Android 1183✔️
Giada DN74/DN75Android 8.181✔️
Giada DN74Android 11114✔️
Giada DN73Android 1074✔️
Giada DN73Android 7.1.281✔️
Qbic BXP300Android 7.1.184✔️
Qbic BXP301Android 5.1.166✔️
Qbic BXP320, BXP321Android 8.1.084✔️
Qbic TD1050, TD1060Android 8.1.084✔️
Qbic BXP100Android 1096✔️
Qbic TD1050ProAndroid 1096✔️
SonyAndroid TV 1083✔️
Giada (Windows devices)Windows 10 / 11110✔️
AOPEN DEX5750Windows 10 / 11110✔️
DE3650-CWindows 10 / 11110✔️
SenecaWindows 10110✔️

Webview replacement on devices

Please note

Updating webview version is not available for every platform we support

  • Manually updating webview version is only available on Android devices. Webview updates can fail, and it is advisable to have physical access to the device to repair it!
  • On Windows devices the webview is built in the client application and is regularly updated by the Wallboard team
  • On BrightSign devices the browser version is built in the firmware version. You can update BrightSign firmware version but it is advisable to consult the supported firmware section and have physical access to the device to troubleshoot!
  • On LG and Samsung devices the webview versions remain unchanged across firmware updates within a specific model series. Generally new model series come out with newer webview versions