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Content Properties

Content settings

Master page

img.pngIn the master page box you can select a Content or a Loop as Master page.
ⓘ Click here to more about Master page

Stretch content

img.pngEnabled by default, If the switch is on the preview of the content will fill the whole screen.
If you disable it, the content keeps it's original width and length.

Synchronize content

img.pngDisabled by default. The Synchronize Content function allows you to display a content synchronously on multiple screens.
ⓘ Click here to read about Content Synchronization
You can turn on Synchronize content in the Content menu under Properties.

Writing direction

img.pngHere you can manipulate the writing direction inside your content. You an choose between Left to right or Right to left.


Base Data path

img.pngIn the Data binding menu, you can connect a datasource to your content.

Datasource mappers

Available from Wallboard Editor version 1.10.
img_1.pngIt makes easy to manipulate the data itself inside of any datasource before it goes to the widgets.

How to use it?

  • Click on the Edit Datasource Mappers button

  • Recalculate periodically: When the modal opens you will see a switch on the top. If you switch it on you have to add a value in seconds. This will be the refresh rate of the datasource which will check the source if anything changed.

Please note

If the original datasource's refresh time is greater than the value you wrote into the box, then the custom datasource may not refresh as often as you expect.


The datasource operates on a cron expression, setting the refresh interval to every 1 hour. If your datasource mapper has a refresh time value of 60 seconds, it won't be able to receive new information from the source until the cron-defined refresh cycle completes.

Options for calculator:

CustomYou can manipulate your datasource data. IMPORTANT! This needs developer experience!
Calendar current eventsGive back all current events from the calendar datasource.
Calendar today eventsGive back all events that will occur(ed) today from the calendar datasource.
Calendar today upcoming eventsGive back all events that will occur today from this point onward. This excludes events that have already occurred and events that are in progress.
Calendar tomorrow eventsGive back all events that will occur tomorrow from the calendar datasource.
Calendar upcoming eventsGive back all events that will occur except current events from the calendar datasource
Calendar fullGive back all events with the defined categories before.

After you selected your option you need to fill in:

  • Name - You can add the name of your mapper

  • Source type

    • Base data path - The datasource came from your base data path
    • Datasource - The datasource will be the one you picked.
  • Source

    • Default - If you picked the base data path
    • "Your picked datasource" - Blank till you pick datasource.


  • In the Comment Menu, you can leave a comment and you can see who saved the content last time.

External Events

  • You can set sensor and datasource events in the External events menu. The content will react to event values or send out an event value to a sensor.


ⓘ Click here to read the article

Content Script

img.pngYou can use your own JavaScript code that runs after a content is loaded if no user is logged in with that screen.


img_1.pngIn the Receiver menu, you can set a receiver e-mail to receive the collected data from interactive widgets.

Dynamic pages

  • You can turn on Return to default function.
  • The content will return to the default page if nobody interacted with the screen in the delayed time.
  • You can also turn on Reset user inputs to reset interaction widgets when the content returns to default page.
  • You can set a Screen saver for the content. If no one has interacted with the screen in the delayed time, the content will switch to the Screen saver page.
  • These functions will only work if you have only one page in the Playlist of the content

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