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Generic User commands for legacy devices

Please note

The following user commands are only applicable on legacy applications. JSCore does not support these commands.

All these functionalities are available on JSCore as Advanced configuration or other device features.

Where can you set these commands?

1.x UI

These commands are available from the context menu of the device: Manage screen >> Send command

  • A modal will appear where you can type or paste the command and send it to the device.

2.0 UI

Navigate yourself to Devices menu, select the device where you wish to send user commands

  • In the details tab, select settings, scroll down until you find the Advanced controls modal.
  • Select Send command
  • Here you will see a box where you have to place the command

Legacy BrightSign only

Disable synchronization

With this command, you can disable/enable the synchronization on a particular device without modifying the content. The default value on the device is Synchronization turned ON.

Please note

If the synchronization is turned off in the content, enabling it on the device with the command will not start the synchronization.

Turn OFF synchronization:

{"user_command":"ChangeSyncStatus", "command_data":{"status":"false"}}

Turn ON synchronization:

{"user_command":"ChangeSyncStatus", "command_data":{"status":"true"}}

Legacy LG only

Set working hours

You can set which day and what time the device has to turn on and off. You can set multiple schedules.

Please note

If you have 1.11 editor server version please refrain from using Working hours feature as a user command.

In 1.11 we created a generic UI for the feature, please refer to that article on how to set it up under the Android section.

If you have 1.10 editor server version, and wish to use the command, please also refer to the linked article about the prerequsites of the feature.

Turns on the screen at 08:30 AM, and turns it off at 04:00 PM every weekday


Turns on the screen at 08:30 AM, and turns it off at 01:00 PM on Saturday and Sunday


Reset working hours


Legacy Samsung SSSP devices only

Setup NTP server

If you forgot to set NTP for your SSSP device, you are able to remotely set it with this command.

{"user_command": "SetNTPServer", "command_data": {"serverUrl": "PLACE_NTP_SERVER_HERE"}}

Set working hours

You can set which day the device has to turn on and off. You can set up to 8 different schedules for the screen on, and 8 for the screen off. Each command reset the previous settings and apply a new.

Please note

If you have 1.11 editor server version please refrain from using Working hours feature as a user command.

In 1.11 we created a generic UI for the feature, please refer to that article on how to set it up under the Android section.

If you have 1.10 editor server version, and wish to use the command, please also refer to the linked article about the prerequsites of the feature.

Turns on the screen at 08:00 AM every Monday, and turns it off at 04:00 PM every Friday

{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours", "command_data": [{"switchOn": "8:00", "days": ["MON"]},{"switchOff": "16:00", "days": ["FRI"]}]}

Turns on the screen at 08:30 AM every weekday, and turns it off at 04:00 PM every weekday

{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours", "command_data": [{"switchOn": "08:30", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOff": "16:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]}]}

Turns on the screen at 08:30 AM, and turns it off at 04:00 PM every weekday, and turns on the screen at 09:00 AM, and turns it off at 12:00 PM on weekends

{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours", "command_data": [{"switchOn": "08:30", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOff": "16:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOn": "09:00", "days": ["SAT","SUN"]},{"switchOff": "12:00", "days": ["SAT","SUN"]}]}

Reset all previous settings.

{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours", "command_data": []}

You can set up multiple screen turn on/off time for one day.

This will turn on the screen at 08:00 AM, then turn off the screen at 12:00 PM, and then turn again on at 01:00 PM, and turn off at 04:00 PM every weekday.

{"user_command": "SetWorkingHours", "command_data": [{"switchOn": "08:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOff": "12:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOn": "13:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]},{"switchOff": "16:00", "days": ["MON", "TUE", "WED", "THU", "FRI"]}]}