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Advanced installation of DBA

Settings and startup parameters


The MSI package installs the application with perMachine scope, the installation location is C:\Program Files\Desktop Broadcaster folder.

The installer uses custom actions to start the application after the installation or to close running applications during the installation. These actions requires user context to run and can be skipped with command line arguments.

The following parameters can be set by command line arguments

install.urlstringWallboard server URL
install.keystringInstallation key that can be generated on the target server
install.forceboolfalseForce the application to move to the given server URL
install.startbooltrueStart the application after the installation - requires user context
install.closebooltrueClose the running application during the installation - requires user context
install.autostartstringallStart the application automatically after Windows logon
    all - for all users
    user - for the current user only
    none - for no one
install.appusageboolfalseInstall Application Usage Reporting module
window.alwaysOnTopboolfalseWhether the application appears in the topmost Z-order
window.canMinimizebooltrueWhether the application can be minimized
window.canMovebooltrueWhether the application can be moved
window.canExitbooltrueWhether the user can exit from the application
window.showInTaskbarbooltrueWhether the application is shown in the taskbar
window.positionenumfixBase position of the window
    fix - fix location
    docked - dock the window
window.size.widthint0Width of the Window
    Default - width of the working area / 2
window.size.heightint0Height of the Window
    Default - height of the working area / 2
window.alignment.horizontalenumcenterHorizontal alignment of the window
    left, center, right, stretch
window.alignment.verticalenumcenterVertical alignment of the window
    top, center, bottom, stretch
window.alignment.offset.xint0Offset - x axis
window.alignment.offset.yint0Offset - y axis

Settings defined by command line arguments are saved to C:\Program Files\Desktop Broadcaster\setup.json encrypted JSON file.

Example of passing command line args to the installer

msiexec /i DesktopBroadcaster.Installer.msi install.url=[SERVER_URL] install.key=[INSTALL_KEY] install.appusage=true

Settings store

Settings are stored in the C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\DesktopBroadcaster\settings.json encrypted JSON file.

Force settings by command line arguments

Application settings can be forced by passing command line arguments directly to the DesktopBroadcaster.exe. It can be useful for testing specific settings.

Please note

Settings that are defined by command line arguments cannot be changed during runtime

Parameters are the same as Windows installation command line arguments

window.alwaysOnTopboolfalseWhether the application appears in the topmost Z-order
window.canMinimizebooltrueWhether the application can be minimized
window.canMovebooltrueWhether the application can be moved
window.canExitbooltrueWhether the user can exit from the application
window.showInTaskbarbooltrueWhether the application is shown in the taskbar
window.positionenumfixBase position of the window
    fix - fix location
    docked - dock the window
window.size.widthint0Width of the Window
    Default - width of the working area / 2
window.size.heightint0Height of the Window
    Default - height of the working area / 2
window.alignment.horizontalenumcenterHorizontal alignment of the window
    left, center, right, stretch
window.alignment.verticalenumcenterVertical alignment of the window
    top, center, bottom, stretch
window.alignment.offset.xint0Offset - x axis
window.alignment.offset.yint0Offset - y axis

Example of starting application with command line arguments

DesktopBroadcaster.exe window.alignment.horizontal=right window.alignment.vertical=bottom window.alignment.offset.x=-10 window.alignment.offset.y=-10 window.canMove=false

Javascript API

Desktop Broadcaster API is available on the winClient window object.

Apply application settings from content script

"alwaysOnTop": false,
"canMinimize": true,
"canMove": true,
"canExit": true,
"showInTaskbar": true,
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "center",
"vertical": "center",
"offset": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"position": "fix",
"size": {
"width": 0,
"height": 0

Show/Hide application settings from content script;

Async Javascript Binding (experimental)

Async Desktop Broadcaster API is available on the DesktopBroadcasterApi window object, all functions return a Promise that can be awaited.

(async () => {
await CefSharp.BindObjectAsync("DesktopBroadcasterApi");

await DesktopBroadcasterApi.hide();

await DesktopBroadcasterApi.setWindowSettings({
"alwaysOnTop": false,
"canMinimize": true,
"canMove": true,
"canExit": true,
"showInTaskbar": true,
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "center",
"vertical": "center",
"offset": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"position": "fix",
"size": {
"width": 0,
"height": 0

Apply application settings from the Web UI

Use the Send user command on the WebUI

"type": "SetSettings",
"data": {
"window": {
"alwaysOnTop": false,
"canMinimize": true,
"canMove": true,
"canExit": true,
"showInTaskbar": true,
"alignment": {
"horizontal": "center",
"vertical": "center",
"offset": {
"x": 0,
"y": 0
"position": "fix",
"size": {
"width": 0,
"height": 0

Start external application by app URI

To start an external application from a content, you have to set the interactive widget click type to Start application and set the URI at the Package name parameter.


mailto:<user email>


sip:<user email>


For more information, please visit Create deep links in Microsoft Teams.

msteams:/l/chat/0/0?users=<user email>


Application Usage Reporting

Foreground applications can be scanned and reported periodically to the server. This reporting module is not installed by default, it can be enabled by passing install.appusage=true command line arguments to the installer.

If install.appusage=true is not defined during the installation, the required DLL files won't be installed.

The following information is uploaded

  • process filename
  • file description property
  • product name property
  • foreground time

Device information reporting

This module reports application environment information to the server, that can be viewed on the Web UI / Screen Info menu.

  • Application version
  • Target architecture (x86/x64)
  • Release / Debug version
  • Computer name
  • Last application start time

Additionally, it collects more system information from WMI and HKLM registry, that can be disabled by the report.systemInfo setting or via command line arguments.

  • OS version
  • Firmware / BIOS Version
  • Computer model information
  • Native resolution
  • CPU information
  • RAM
  • Storage information
  • Network information
  • .NET Framework version

CEF CrashDumps

CEF CrashDumps are located under C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\CrashDumps by default.

For more information, please visit CrashReporting.