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Meeting room widget

This article introduces you to the MeetingRoom custom widget.


The meeting room custom widget is useful if you want to keep track of your schedule, especially if you have a display for your meeting room.


There are multiple meeting room widgets used in the content above with different configurations and datasources.

You can also use any other widgets to make your content more appealing.

Meeting room is able to control the LED lights of your media player devices as well.


The schedules are automatically updated by the datasource.


  • You need to set up a credential to access your calendars. (Read our article here if you don't know how)
  • Create calendar datasources to the required calendars. (Check if your datasource has loaded properly)
  • Bind your data to the meeting room widget by selecting just the root of the calendar.


Actual meeting widget type

Here you can configure how your title, time and font looks like.

It is also possible to configure the layout under Actual meeting settings.


Room state widget type

If you select Room state widget type you can create status colors for your meetings.


You can choose:

  • Status colors
  • "Almost started" period color and time

Customize your status bar by making it horizontal, vertical or even a circle.

On the Other tab you can pick a semi transparent masking image for a better look.


Next meeting widget type

Keep track of your upcoming meetings with the Next meeting widget type.

Under next meeting settings you can choose how many upcoming items you want to display.


Room planner widget type

With the Room planner widget type you can create a visualization of your timetable.

Under Room planner settings you can customize the details of your generated table.

Masking can also be utilized here.



To create a room booking function use the standard Wallboard features.


This documentation is for version v29! The information in this article could be outdated!


If you have further questions please do not hesitate to contact us at Happy editing!