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Version 1.11.807

September 18, 2024


New features

  • Changed the behavior of the content shuffle mode of campaigns in the displayer when their type is message group
  • Implemented message saturation and order
  • Changed the tooltip of Item shuffle mode in the campaign modal, and made it visible for message group type as well


  • Updated Power BI widget functionality to allow hiding the Bookmark Bar.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content Editor > Content > Dynamic pages > Return to default switch was turned on, despite the set delay, if the user interaction was in an iFramed window it still triggered the Return to default setting.
  • Fixed an issue where the User could not add a pre-registered device with install rules.
  • Fixed an issue where the user edited a 'Message' with the Media or Media folder type. The file browser selected values were missing.
  • Fixed an issue where the Message > Type change could result in emptying the Message group list.
  • Fixed an issue where users could not stop the video in Video widget if 'Controls' settings were ON.
  • Fixed an issue where Scroll Widget > Other tab > Data > After/Before value settings did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where if the content has an immediate page change action with a content-wide repeat page event action, the repeat action was executed twice.
  • Fixed an issue where the gallery widget with Randomized settings in some cases did not randomize images when there was a page change.

Version 1.11.795

September 03, 2024



  • Shortened Webhook API key

Version 1.11.794

August 30, 2024


New features
Implemented Dynamic duration for Contents widget

  • When selecting Contents, Loops, and Schedules, the selected items no longer require a static time to be set.
  • The widget will automatically play all selected contents in full, starting from the default page to the last page.
  • It only includes pages in the standard playlist, excluding parking pages and page change events.

Version 1.11.785

August 22, 2024


Improved Campaign engine with the following:

  • Introduced media and media folder type messages
  • Ordering mode added to media folder type messages
  • Random ordering mode changed for loops and contents: a random priority is calculated for each content at the start of each iteration
  • Alphabetical ordering mode uses content or loop name wherever applicable, otherwise the item's name
  • Items from messages inside campaign use the content shuffle and ordering mode properties of the campaign
  • Content shuffle mode implemented for loops inside campaigns and loop type messages

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where playlist items without affected hours defined would throw an error and halt playback
  • Fixed an issue where the message group selector was not displaying correctly under the loop type message's creation modal.
  • Fixed an issue where the content browser modal couldn't load more items
  • Fixed a bug where the name of the content groups did not show in the content browser modals



  • Removed the All day and Every day columns from campaign and message listings in the settings
  • Renamed Priority to Order on campaigns and messages
  • Removing an unassigned screen from the administrator menu is now ID based instead of using the activation code

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the XML files in CAP data sources were too large to fit into the buffer
  • Fixed a bug where Affected days were visible when Every day was turned on in the message modal
  • Fixed a bug where the Content tag applies to contents of teams dropdown was mandatory for admins and owners in the Campaign modal

Version 1.11.777

August 8, 2024



  • Removed the mandatory requirement from the screen identification field in the CAP datasource creation/edit interface.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the media widget was not displaying after one page change.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the wait time and image width/height settings for the System type screenshot datasource could not be edited.
  • Fixed an issue where the devices did not refresh correctly after device tag changes

Version 1.11.775

August 2, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Only play settings could not be saved in Content pages

Version 1.11.774

August 1, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where older Custom apps type widgets did not load properly in Editor and in devices and previews

Version 1.11.773

July 31, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a missing folder prevented the saving of FILE type system data sources during editing
  • Fixed an issue where users could not save Text type messages

Version 1.11.770

July 30, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where newly created External datasources' Refresh frequency did not show

Version 1.11.768

July 25, 2024


New features

  • Campaigns received new features:
    • Implemented switch for Alternating playback
      • Now two widgets on the same page can play different campaign elements at the same time
    • Improved time window element calculation in On demand playback mode:
      • 3pcs of 5 sec video must fit into 15 sec window
      • 6pcs of 5 sec video must fit in 32 sec and should not start a new video
    • Implemented persistent item scores for campaigns, making it possible for the widget to continue playback where it left off. It applies to
      • Page changes
      • Content reload
    • Campaign widget tag selector is available when creating Campaign snapshot
    • Added a new type of Message: simple loops, which has the exact same properties as contents, except the checkbox Skip default page
    • Added option to define precise hours and minutes for start and end dates of a Campaign Message and Content When to play blocks, and support for the visual indicator
  • Implemented advanced configuration on contents.
    • From now on the content is able to receive advanced configurations via right click on Content > Advanced Configuration
    • {"configuration": [{"type": "SCREENSHOT", "waitTime": 3000}]}

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the embedded HDMI stream inside a contents widget could not remove itself when the content within the widget changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the loop embedded inside another loop was unable to track changes.
  • Fixed an issue where enabling the Change based on data row label option could result in nothing being displayed on the screen.
  • Fixed an issue where the Custom App Paths request caused a timing issue with widget rendering.
  • Fixed an issue where widgets did not trigger datasource changes with independent binding.
  • Fixed an issue where attaching an external screenshot type datasource to the gallery widget resulted in no data being returned and caused random behavior.
  • Fixed an issue where On-demand mode Campaign widgets could not be started in the displayer
  • Fixed an issue where the input for the transition background image for the campaign widget didn't show the file name after reloading the editor
  • Fixed an issue where in certain cases Video and Videos widgets moved to a background layer, "disappearing" behind the background color or image


New features

  • Implemented support for RAVE CAP integration
    • Integrated new Refresh Mode called : Callback

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where a Technician added to a team as a member couldn't create content within a Content group shared by that team, even though the team was automatically selected.
  • Fixed an issue where SCREENSHOT type datasources accepted negative wait times
    • Minimum wait time is now 500ms
    • Maximum wait time is still 15000ms
  • Fixed an issue where Start and End crop coordinates in SCREENSHOT datasource could be the same.
  • Fixed a bug where date selector input fields could show "undefined" as a placeholder in Only play modals

Version 1.11.752

July 15, 2024


New features

  • New widget category Apps and framework
    • Implemented interaction events for these new widgets
    • Users can now select multiple datasource alled Independent binding for each binding type (Data binding, Color binding, Background color binding etc.)
  • Independent binding is available for every widget


  • Introduced case-sensitive evaluation for Table widget's Hide rows function.
  • Campaign widget received new interaction event types instead of the default ones:
    • Item started: The action executes when a campaign item has started playing.
    • Item finished: The action executes when a campaign item has finished playing.
  • Supported property names for these actions are
    • itemName: Displays the campaign element's full file name if it's a media/loop type campaign or if it's a content type campaign the name of the page the element is located on.
    • fileType: The element's file type if it's a media/loop type campaign. (IMAGE,VIDEO,PDF)
    • interactionType: The event type that is being triggered. (ITEM_STARTED/ITEM_FINISHED)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where values didn't update when using Datarow id binding on screens.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Image, Gallery and Media widgets to not refresh after a bound Screenshot datasource changed.



  • Screen log downloads are now available for E Ink devices.
  • Implemented datasource refresh webhook action for System datasources.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused some data sources to return with an internal server error.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the wrong error message to return when storage limit was reached.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Messages with Screen groups assigned to them to delete when the Screen group was deleted.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Campaigns that were assigned to a Screen group to play on every screen when the screen group was deleted.

Version 1.11.742

July 03, 2024



  • Screen selection type in Messages, Screen group and Specific Screen mode selector, is no longer interchangeable on already saved Messages
  • If Specific screens mode is selected in Messages, Message applies to contents and screens of teams selector does not appear in the modal
  • For Specific screens mode in Messages the Screen tag selector is no longer visible

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Screenshot data source's crop did not check if the cropping area stayed within the screenshot's dimensions
  • Fixed an issue where Screenshot data source's Url validation headers did not work
  • Fixed an issue where the global team settings allow modifying resources without a team, regardless of message and message group bindings
  • Fixed an issue where System wide datasources' Next update time were not calculated properly

Version 1.11.735

June 28, 2024


New features

  • Implemented cropping capabilities to SCREENSHOT datasource


  • Implemented new function to handle same day Start and End dates in Only Play

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Loop previews and Loops embedded in Content widget did not load properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Only Play modal displayed incorrect settings after being saved and reopened.
  • Fixed an issue where Only Play modal in Content Editor saved and closed even on wrong settings.
  • Fixed an issue where Affected days were not saved correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Videos widget spammed error messages making logs unreadable
  • Fixed an issue where PowerBI widget on BrightSign devices did not have URL parameter filled
  • Fixed an issue where PowerBI widget logged unnecessary warning messages


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Messages listing where Messages with Specific Screens selected showed as Every Screen

Version 1.11.725

June 21, 2024


New features

  • Implemented Screenshot mode on E Ink
    • You can now assign content to an E Ink device, and it will display a screenshot of the content's first page.
  • Implemented Transition background color and image on Campaign widget when widget is in On-demand playback mode

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Youtube widget spammed errors and was unable to play video after a while
  • Fixed an issue where Target sensor event crashed Android players with certain sensors

Version 1.11.718

June 17, 2024


New features

  • All Custom widgets now render in editor.
  • Campaign sync now applies to widgets (Video / Videos/ Gallery) inside campaign


  • Renamed Screens selector's option in Messages modal from All screens to Specific screens
  • Static / Dynamic sensor or device event action received a new input field for Target sensor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that prevented deleting a screen group if it was set in a message, resulting in a 500 internal server error.
  • Fixed an issue where messages set to a screen group did not disappear from the screen when the screen group was changed in the message settings.
  • Fixed an issue where messages linked to a screen tag did not disappear from the screen after deleting the message.
  • Fixed an issue where changing from a Screen group to a Specific screen did not save if nothing was selected.
  • Fixed an issue where new messages with a selected screen tag did not appear on the screen after saving.
  • Fixed an issue where editing a message by adding a screen tag to a message that already had a screen group selected did not display the message on the screen associated with the tag.
  • Fixed an issue where messages with a Screen tag selected appear as if they were assigned to a Screen group.
  • Fixed an issue where eInk devices showed the Update available icon even when there was no new application available.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screen selection type was incorrectly set in messages.
  • Fixed an issue where users could save the message without selecting a screen group.
  • Fixed an issue where users could save the message without selecting at least one screen.
  • Fixed an issue where a warning message could cause the tags field for the modal to be hidden.
  • Fixed an issue where Dynamic UDP actions could have input fields for ID and Event fields.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the spamming error on Android devices and showed a black screen for the Videos widget when the Hardware Accelerated Player was ON.
  • Fixed an issue where folder-bound videos (Media widget, Videos widget) could throw errors and cause them to stop playing or not start, including errors on the master page.
  • Fixed an issue where folder-bound videos (Media widget, Videos widget) could spam warning.
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF widget did not load correctly pages when pages were in a certain aspect ratio
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget's slides did not refresh correctly if the loop had changes.

Version 1.11.707

June 07, 2024



  • Option to put down multiple Custom widgets

Version 1.11.706

June 06, 2024



  • Discontinued the Wayfinding / Mapplic widget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where interactive actions did not execute on Pop-up, Overlay and Master pages
  • Fixed an issue where Interaction widgets could not be selected in Hide rows as a Widget
  • Fixed in issue where in some cases videos returned an error and therefore video blacked out or was not put down


New features

  • Pre-register a device by serial number
  • Synchronized Campaign playback
    • Only item changes are synchronized in this version
  • Campaigns now take File validity into consideration
  • There can be multiple Only play blocks defined in:
    • Campaigns UI
    • Messages UI
    • Content editor UI
    • It is possible to put the Only play block to Exclude, which will always get priority
    • It is possible to copy Only play blocks
    • Start dates and End dates can be now cleared
  • Loops can now be selected as Campaign elements
    • Loops' Probability field is considered as the element's Saturation
  • Improved Messages feature
    • Either select Screen groups or select specific screens
  • Messages now take File validity into consideration
  • Message groups have their own Saturation score which they use to balance between Message items in a given Message group
  • Microsoft credentials now have a Manager user who can edit Access list
  • New External and System data source type SCREENSHOT


  • Campaign's Where to play will no longer default to Every screen
  • Replaced Priority with Saturation in the campaign list
  • Renamed tags to Campain tags in campaign editing modal
  • Toast datasource now gives back tags as a flattened array

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Custom type Internal datasources could not be saved as a JSON array.
  • Fixed an issue where Administrator > Scripts > Customer white list did not work
  • Fixed an issue where Text type Messages ignored set Screen group options

Version 1.11.673

May 13, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Lottie widget threw an undefined error in some cases
  • Fixed circular references in Editor, Loop Editor / Loop Displayer

Version 1.11.671

May 10, 2024



  • Renamed Adobe widget to Lottie widget to reflect functionality better
  • Implemented Advanced configuration option for Install rules and Add Screen >Advanced settings

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where adding a new row to the Table type Internal datasource that contained a date field the chosen date did not show
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget with collage mode was rendered on devices in the wrong place

Version 1.11.662

May 2, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where loops with layout threw font error in displayer.
  • Fixed an issue involving a memory leak in the table widget.
  • Fixed an issue where, if the user copied the page with table widgets it caused to stop paginating after it restarted.
  • Fixed an issue where the master and overlay proof of play level reports was not disabled.

Version 1.11.656

April 26, 2024



Returned value list in Videos widget has been extended. Now the following information can be received:

  • Users can access the current state values directly as current

  • Detailed information about the current state is accessible under details:

    • Source value: details.src
    • Index value: details.index
    • Video duration: details.videoDuration
  • Information about the next video is nested under

    • Source value of the next video:
    • Index value of the next video:
    • Duration of the next video:
  • In the Media widget, when the widget contains a Loop as the source, double-clicking allows direct editing of the loop.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Call API > Successful /Unsuccessful response actions are not evaluated correctly for nested objects.
  • Fixed an issue where the default Content of a Schedule could be deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where actions did not work on overlay, master, and pop-up pages.


New features

The following options in Settings menu can be assigned to teams via Team management:

  • Alert rules and Notification channels
  • Advertisers
  • Webhook events and webhook API keys
  • Install rules

Now in Team assignment modal the resources can be assigned to teams individually. A folder assign will not be applied to sub-folders and resources inside the selected folder. This change will be applied in the following folders and directories:

  • SCREENS / screen groups
  • CONTENTS / content groups
  • LOOPS / loop groups
  • SCHEDULES / schedule groups
  • FILES / file folders
  • MESSAGES / message groups

Implemented Widget statistics on widgets. From now on the click count inside individual widgets can be counted if the widget statistics option is enabled.

  • The report can be accessed via screen and content statistics as a CSV.

The following fields are available in System datasources:

  • rotationAngle
  • rotationType
  • advancedConfiguration
  • updateRule


Approver users have new permissions and they can see new modals and options (if the global user and team settings let them be):

  • From now on they can see internal datasources in settings and they can modify them
  • See and manage messages in Settings
  • See files in settings

Technician users have also new modals and permissions (if the global user and team settings let them be):

  • See and manage Notification Channels
  • See and manage Alert Rules
  • See and manage Advertisers

Editor users can see schedules.

  • Toast datasources now contains status and quantity information.

  • Improved Proof of Play and Advertiser reporting of embedded Contents Loops and Campaigns

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where unassigned screens could not be moved to the server via Install rule.
  • Fixed an issue where the API call failed in case of some device install rule keys.
  • Fixed an issue where the access token refreshing in the editor no longer retries attempts for any error code, leading to automatic logout.
  • Fixed an issue where the CSV report could not be downloaded from clients in Administrator settings
  • Fixed an issue where the datasource refresh error type alert was not sending alert emails.

Version 1.11.637

April 09, 2024


New features

  • PDF widget received the following updates
    • Scrollbar is now configurable
    • New event: Interact widget > PDF widget > Jump to bookmark


  • Special formatting will no longer apply to Textwiget's Fallback value
  • Improved widget's loading time that were embedded into Campaign widget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Schedules could not be renamed
  • Fixed an issue where PowerBI widget throws request errors when there is no tenant selected
  • Fixed an issue that caused in some cases the Meter widget to not load correctly the total value of the widget on BrightSign and Android devices
  • Fixed an issue where Custom fonts were loaded multiple times


New features

  • Implemented new feature Update management
    • Manage screen > Device properties > Set update management
    • Includes the previous Version limit as option
    • Updates are now schedulable via Cron expression. If the scheduled time is outside of set Working hours a warning is shown
  • Added functionality, for moving a device to another server without assigning to a customer


  • Add a warning message when trying to delete a user. Deletion must be verified
  • Implemented Copy datasource id for Internal and System datasources
  • Added Hardware ID field in Device info
  • File type System datasources now contain absolute filepaths
  • Request parameters are no longer editable under the following External datasources
    • CALENDAR datasources (both Google and Microsoft)
    • CAP
    • TOAST
  • Logging into a client through main portal, that has a whitelabel domain will no longer redirect users to the said domain
  • Only Owner and Technican see the alert icon on devices

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue, where Screen install rules loaded the wrong License orders the first time
  • Fixed an issue, where Restricted user modal could not be closed
  • Fixed an issue, where the Target's input field was incorrectly displayed when the webhook action type was set to Force sync and the user had no shared folders

Version 1.11.615

March 14, 2024


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Media widget where it did not play images via folder binding
  • Fixed an issue in PDF widget where shared folder containing only 1 Excel file did not show up with folder binding
  • Fixed an issue with PowerBI widget saving token unnecessarily
  • Fixed an issue with Campaign widget where adding tags to an already saved widget threw an error


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where This system has active license indicator did not show correctly

Version 1.11.610

March 11, 2024



  • Removed boldness on title and description in the Media widget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue in Media widget when the title was a number, it was not limited correctly by the Character limit setting
  • Fixed an issue in Media widget where Dynamic Font Size Maximum value's minimum value did not apply correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget could not determine the media type from the file name
  • Fixed an issue where video duration in Media widget were calculated wrongly
  • Fixed an issue where title and description fields in Media widget were not centered vertically on LG and Samsung devices
  • Fixed an issue on Samsung and LG devices where the Media widget could double swap slides in some cases where Automatic item swap and Change on video end were turned ON.
  • Fixed an issue where Video widget in BrightSign player had player put down and video playback issues
  • Fixed an issue where YouTube player could throw undefined errors and cause YouTube widget to stop and not able to recover


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the user could not apply team settings on the Summary page when the customer had only one team
  • Fixed an issue where Device info could throw undefined error when web view version was unknown

Version 1.11.602

February 26, 2024



  • Improved Media widget performance
  • Media widget Original post URL and Publish date options now work like follows:
    • If only one of the fields are active it will take up the card's width, and the text will be centered
    • If both options are enabled each of them will be half-and-half, and text will be centered as such
    • Dynamic font size will calculate more precise in the case of these option

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Media widget horizontal alignments did not work
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget could not parse correctly the media type when the contentType was undefined
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget with dynamic fon size set defaulted to the normal font size setting in some cases
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget bound to an Array or Object to the widget's title or description field it did not display the title or description with Character limits correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Jump to action does not trigger when it was used via datasource events
  • Fixed an issue where BrightSign players did not play Image widgets bound to external URL


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where 1 campaign with 1 content that had only default page, did not update page changes

Version 1.11.593

February 20, 2024



  • Input widget received the standard text quick alignment icons

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Scrollable and Font-size properties were still changeable on widgets despite Dynamic font size being enabled
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget Dynamic row set-up looked different inside Content editor and devices
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget row ordering did not work after changes
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget > Column level setting > Text align did not align text properly
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget text align did not work as expected
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases Campaign widget tags was separated by comma and space caused widget to not play any content at all
  • Fixed an issue where databinding folders with different rows did not display correctly on devices
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a page from Content for which Jump to action pointed caused preview to continuously refresh itself


New features

  • Implemented new internet metrics to Analytics


  • The Description column has been replaced in Administrator > Unassignes screens with Firmware version
  • Messages can now be duplicated inside Settings > Messages
  • Install rules can be duplicated inside Settings > Install rules
  • Administrator users who already have a Client assigned to them can now be promoted and demoted

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Filterfolders and Shared folders appeared in content import modal.

Version 1.11.577

February 09, 2024


New features

  • Added new Underline text formatting for Table widget
  • Implemented Sort as numbers option for Table widget
  • Added Lettercase options to Table widget such as Uppercase option
  • Added Lettercase options to Clock widget such as Uppercase option
  • Implemented Image fit option for Gallery widget
  • Campaign widget now has the ability to have its tags manipulated through sensor events and actions
  • Implemented With tags only switch for campaigns with Tag filter type dropdown selector


  • Improved Campaign tooltips
  • Changed policy of PowerBI. Now users with Editor and Approver roles can connect PowerBI widget in Contents
  • Media widget's databound fields are now clearable
  • Streamlined Image fit option namings across platform to
    • Cover
    • Contain
    • Fill
  • Layer actions such as Hide widget and Lock functionality now triggers save change inside editor
  • Removed broken Add and manage datasources on the settings page link from datasources modal
  • Datasource modal's Clear and Reset all functionalities has been rolled into Clear datasource

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Media widget bound to Loops ignored Loop slide's Only play setting
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget After last item action did not trigger correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget skipped animation then played the next items behind the active slide
  • Fixed an issue where the Dynamic font size was not applicable to all cards of Media widget
  • Fixed an issue where the title and description of Media widget cards were not aligned to center if the Dynamic font size option was enabled and either title or description was disabled in partial display settings
  • Fixed an issue where Datasource mappers modal saved contents when clicking on x to close modal
  • Fixed an issue where column order inside Table widget was reversed compared to column selector order
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget called datasource unnecessarily when it has contained an embedded content
  • Fixed an issue where Execute action batch Data row id sent field threw an error
  • Fixed an issue dynamic charts widgets displayed [ object Object ] if datasource was bound incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where any user under Owner role received a 403 error message when opening Content editor
  • Fixed an issue where widgets with Hide rows won't display previously hidden elements when hide rows are re-disabled or modified inside editor
  • Fixed an issue where Hardware Accelerated Player option inside Loop editor was enabled then every other change in Loop options disabled it


New features

  • Single-Sign On system settings has been reworked
  • Single-Sign On options under Custom domain options have been reworked:
    • Implemented new Role mapping, Team mapping and User Interface Profile mapping feature for external identity providers
    • Added Default role Default Teams and Default User Interface Profile settings
    • Implemented option to enable user creation under network member clients
    • Added Authentication provider column to Setting > Users
    • User logins can be restricted to Enable SSO login or Enable Username/password login
    • Added warning modal for the Custom domain settings save functionality if there are enabled mapping settings
    • Added copy to clipboard functionality for Client ID, Network ID, User Interface profile ID, Team ID
  • Implemented savable and reusable UI profiles for users
  • Added Reserved to license count in Administrator > Licenses
  • Implemented exclusions for Alerts
    • Exclude device IDs: In this selector you can select devices to be ignored during monitoring
    • Exclude device group IDs: In this selector you can select sub-groups where all devices will be ignored during monitoring
  • Implemented Include system log and Include system report into Download log modal, which now contains data regarding operating system
  • Added Firmware status to Screen info (Supported, Unsupported, Unknown)
  • Implemented webview version alerts to screens, where the webview version is below the currently supported version an alert icon will be shown on the top-left corner of the affected screen


  • Users under Network owner client can now be limited to not have access to Member clients
  • Improved Proof of Play statistics by not collecting impressions when screen is turned off
  • Implemented tooltip for Screen information > Firmware version for long names to be readable

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where user with Viewer role could see other users under customer
  • Fixed an issue where devices could not be registered by Serial
  • Fixed an issue where request header settings prevented Google script API calls to run properly
  • Fixed an issue where the Webhook request contained unnecessary empty strings
  • Fixed an issue where device metrics Uptime could exceed 100%
  • Fixed an issue where files on Google Drive and OneDrive with size of null caused the whole drive folder to not synch
  • Fixed an issue where Sharepoint sites with a null name caused MS credential to not list any sites at all


January 19, 2024

New features

  • If in Administrator > White Label the Only SSO enabled is set, then in this case only the SSO options are shown on the log-in page without the regular User/Password option

Version 1.11.536

January 15, 2024



  • Improved Proof of Play reporting

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Technician user could not create Campaigns under certain global team conditions.

Version 1.11.532

January 10, 2024


New features

  • Implemented HDMI source indexing in Stream widget
    • Added new HDMI source index field to Stream widget
    • Now the user can define which HDMI port provides source to the Stream widget
    • If the source index is not defined, it will fallback to 0.


  • Expanded Hide rows evaluation type in the Table widget with two additional options: contains and does not contain.
  • Media widget can now play folder bound videos fully if video length is longer than card length when Change on video end option is enabled

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Color rules in Dynamic styles within the Databinding modal of the Table widget were unable to be created if Use different cells value was selected first
  • Fixed an issue where the decimal number values were displayed in the wrong direction in the number formatting section of the Table widget's databinding modal
  • Fixed a scenario where having more than one Table widget with different pagination delays resulted in only the shortest delay being played, while others were not
  • Fixed an issue where the PDF files in Gallery widget were not aligned to the center when the Keep Ratio option was enabled
  • Fixed an issue where an empty folder connected to the Gallery widget failed to refresh when a new item was added
  • Fixed an issue where the Toggle Overlay Preview button failed to position the preview on top of the pages
  • Fixed an issue where the sensor event was unable to change the static value on the Text widget
  • Fixed an issue where the YouTube widget couldn't be played inside embedded content, and user interaction also failed to stop autoplay
  • Fixed an issue where the interactive widgets name sent field did not display correctly
  • Fixed an issue where embedded missing content caused BrightSign devices to reload the whole displayer


New features

  • Added new device metrics to Analytics menu

    • Startup count
    • Crash count
    • Web-view crash count
    • ANR count
    • System-error count
    • Frontend-process crash count
    • Wifi signal metrics
    • Battery status
  • Implemented Remote firmware update modal for device types where remote firmware feature is available

    • Samsung (JSCORE)
    • LG (JSCORE)
    • BrightSign (JSCORE)


  • Improved tagging by switching to a larger overall character limitation allowing users to enter more than 10 tags where each individual tag can be any length
  • Added tooltip for Cleanup outdated files modal to state that cleanup runs once a day

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue here the Move from content group option was unable to relocate searched contents that were already within groups
  • Fixed an issue where the short url returned undefined instead of generating valid url

Version 1.11.514

December 12, 2023



  • Improved Table widget functionality to better adjust embedded content to match row height
  • Enhanced Table widget to fix row max height issues specifically for images, excluding those in embedded content
  • Modified data picker logic in Table widget to display columns in the correct order in the Select columns section

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where displayer did not allow itself to be embedded into external pages
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget did not rotate out some elements from widget when paginating
  • Fixed an issue that Table widget caused that the column level styles not displayed correctly
  • Fixed an issue that caused when Table widget page size is 1 the table still playing the fade animation. Now it will only play the animation when the page size is greater than 1
  • Fixed an issue that caused where Table widget Column level settings > Dynamic color did not fill out all of the cell
  • Fixed an issue that caused where Table widget padding setting misshaped the cell by expanding the content beyond cell boundaries
  • Fixed an issue that caused when there is no number mask the number was not displayed at all


New features

  • Single-tenant Microsoft application integration support


  • Tag handling got refactored, it now matches full strings instead of substrings
  • Share folder behavior is set to Replace on change by default from now on
  • Campaigns can now be enabled and disabled by tags
    • Any tags - only one of the tags should match between the Campaign and the Webhook
    • All tags - every tag should match between the Campaign and the Webhook
  • Datasources only refresh under Clients that are not expired or restricted

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Admin user could not upload images in White label settings without entering a Client
  • Fixed an issue where Messages were not searchable and orderable

Version 1.11.501

November 30, 2023


New features

  • Arrays inside Datasources are now randomizable by selecting the key of the array

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where enabling dynamic font size on Text widget caused letters to bunch up
    • Reset letter spacing value to 0 in the editor when you turn on dynamic font size
  • Fixed an issue where Videos widget was not capable of playing videos from bound datasources other than bound folder path
  • Resolved a conflict between Video and Stream widgets where, under certain conditions, an error in the Video widget prevented the display of a hidden Stream widget
  • Fixed an issue where a layout misalignment occurred in Stream widget when a placeholder image was absent
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget did not play image folder based Loops
  • Fixed an issue where the maximum dynamic font size value of the Media widget did not work in the displayer
  • Changed Media widget collage mode paginate mix type to not mix items at the very first time after receiving a new feed
  • Fixed an issue where the Media widget did not update the originalUrl value when changing items in the collage mode
  • Fixed an issue where the originalUrl field of the Media widget wasn't scaled by dynamic font size properly
  • Fixed an issue where opening and closing the popup in the displayer threw a nullpointer error



  • Install application modal now has BrightSign firmware install switch on JSCore devices aswell
  • Improved proof of display upload error handling and logging

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaign in Settings > Campaigns were not searchable or sortable

Version 1.11.492

November 23, 2023



  • Renamed Widget tags to Tags in the campaign modal

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Media widget did not cache folderbound images on BrightSign devices at initial assign
  • Fixed an issue where the Stream widget with HDMI Input displayed the streams with wrong ration if there was a placeholder image
  • Fixed an issue where Stream widget threw console error for Subtitle function
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign element minimum length was longer than 3 seconds resulting in skipping Content page elements with 3 second page length
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns in manual, time based mode would not play anything if the given time amount was enough for more than 1 item but less than 2
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns in manual, time based mode would not play the last item in a given time amount if the balance would not exactly go down to 0 by substracting all the item durations in the calculated window
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns in manual, time based mode would immediately swap items when receiving additional balance while the last item of the previous item was still playing, thus skipping some part of it
  • Fixed an issue where the Affected hours indicator would show fraction day intervals visually when all day option was turned on in the campaign modal


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where folder Clean up settings did not remove files properly
  • Fixed an issue when as an Admin, selecting a team and then switching to a different customer resulted in an empty summary page, despite having existing contents/loops...etc
  • Fixed an issue where removing all the tags at once in Campaign modal did not remove them

Version 1.11.486

November 20, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Loop did not take into consideration slide's Only play setting
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign caching did not get retriggered when device came back to online state
  • Fixed an issue where databinding folders with different rows did not display correctly on certain devices
  • Fixed an issue where using datasource mapper on a content with more than one page caused the mapper executions to increase linearly over time, resulting in performance issues


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a scrolling issue in the Templates modal where reaching the end of the scrollbar did not consistently trigger the loading of additional elements.
  • Fixed an issue where Install rules could be created with mismatching license and assigned content type
  • Fixed an issue where Root screengroup operations did not work in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where certain users could not be deleted

Version 1.11.475

November 13, 2023



New features

  • Campaigns can now be modified by webhooks
    • Enable
    • Disable
    • Change Saturation
    • Change Priority
  • Extended Size & Position with the 1/3 sizing
  • Added new functionality to Media widget
    • Feed order dropdown
      • Default
      • Random
      • Reverse
    • Implemented new functionality change value with function : Change binded value
  • Added new template type to Add page: Document, which will create a Gallery widget with the selected PDF file included


  • Campaign widget improvements

    • Manual display type renamed to Balancing type
    • amount renamed to played items
    • time renamed to play time
    • Balancing type field is no longer hidden if Automatic display mode is enabled
    • Balancing type default value is played items instead of play time
  • Renamed native player, native video to hardware accelerated video, hardware accelerated video player

    • Default values on widgets for Hardware accelerated players are false
    • Added new switch for Content > Settings and Loop > Settings to set default value for Hardware acceleration
      • Hardware acceleration value is saved in the local browser storage Please be aware that if you switch devices or browsers, you'll need to reconfigure this setting.
    • Moved writing direction from Content > Settings to Content > Content
  • Technician now can execute Move to server node actions

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the double click file browser allowed images to be selected for PDF widget
  • Fixed an issue where deleting placeholders from Gallery widget and browsing a new file in it did not play that file until clicking on widget
  • Fixed an issue where embedded one page content inside parent did not refresh when child content was modified
  • Fixed an issue where Loops embedded inside Content(s) widgets did not play on JSCore devices
  • Fixed an issue that caused Media widget bound with external datasource to not play videos from the external URL
  • Fixed an issue that caused when Media widget to not display the datasource values if there was no title field in the datasource



  • File validity improvements
    • New design for unexpired but scheduled files and files that have expired
    • The Valid to date cannot be greater than the Valid from date
    • The Valid to date cannot be the same as the Valid from date
    • If Valid to date is older than current date, there is a red overlay indicating that the file is not valid.
    • Dates with invalid formatting will not be accepted
  • Tag handling got refactored, it now matches full strings instead of substrings
  • Default URLs in System settings > Knowledgebase links now direct to site

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue, where large files could not be uploaded in File Manager due to timeout
  • Fixed an issue where Shared folders with a lot of files (6000+) did not synch properly

Version 1.11.441

October 17, 2023



New features

  • Implemented TOAST integration as new datasource type
  • Standardized Only play functionality across all platforms
    • Loop editor
    • Content editor
    • Campaign modal time constraints
  • Added new behavior to existing functionality
    • Start dates are inclusive
    • End dates are exclusive
    • All 3 platforms now can have Affected hours from time later than until time
  • Added new options to Only play, when Affected hours from is later than until
    • Allow partial starting segment
    • Allow partial ending segment
    • Allow day of week overflow
  • Campaign engine now takes into account the Only play settings of the Content pages
  • Implemented visualization to aid date selection


  • Implemented Use only contents from team setting in Campaigns on "Content by tag" type
  • Added Storage usage in Administrator > Clients CSV export as a new exported field

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where databound table widget did not refresh periodically with datasource mappers enabled

Version 1.11.435

October 11, 2023



  • Implemented maximum timing for Content pages this time is limited to 99 999 seconds, that is about 1 day and ~ 4 hours

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Image gallery widget did not show anything if a file was removed from the folder bound to the widget
  • Fixed an issue where the Image gallery widget did not show anything if the device was offline restarted, until it returned to an online state

Version 1.11.434

October 09, 2023



New features

  • PDF widget is no longer experimental
  • Wayfinding widget is no longer experimental


  • Sorted Datasource mapper datasources
  • Instead of Own, Introduced the Internal, External datasource group options in the data pickers

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Datasource action's datapicker listed External datasources too instead of internal ones only
  • Fixed an issue where File type system datasources edit modal looked like Device type

Version 1.11.432

October 05, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where databound widgets did not update inside Campaign when source changed



  • Campaigns and Messages are sorted by their status, active ones are on top
  • Streamlined all license tier and type naming on UI

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where devices that had invalid datasource ID bound to them did not report any data to Screen info
  • Fixed an issue where Technician user could not reach relevant options inside Settings
  • Fixed an issue where in certain scenarios changes made to Microsoft credentials were not being updated properly

Version 1.11.426

September 29, 2023



  • Improved stream retry logic by maximizing wait time between retries in 15 minutes
  • Optimized Proof of Play invalid asset removal

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Stream widget's placeholder over HDMI caused widget to overstrech
  • Fixed an issue where password protected streams did not show in certain cases


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where customer could not be deleted when it had Campaign with Advertiser enabled

Version 1.11.421

September 27, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content and Contents widget did not follow the renaming of selected contents / loops / schedules
  • Fixed an issue where Stream widget did not try to reconnect if no stream was available
  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget did not trigger dynamic page ending

Version 1.11.418

September 22, 2023



New features

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue, where campaigns on the first iteration played the first element twice then skipped to the third element skipping the second one
  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget did not load on Chromium 52 webview version


New features

  • Implemented Google Sheet,Slide,Docs synchronization on shared folder as PDF output
  • Added License order csv downloading button and functionality


  • Standardized device right click menu options across
    • Screengroups
    • Search results
    • Mobile hamburger menu

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Admin > Screen license > The client selection dropdown did not displayed
  • Fixed an issue where Admin > License orders > did not list properly when – any client – selected

Version 1.11.412

September 20, 2023


New features

  • Implemented automatic rotation between report pages inside PowerBI widget


  • Campaign widget's placeholder content is now unselectable

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content widget did not function properly when used as template page
  • Fixed an issue where multiple Campaign widgets on one page shared the same score
  • Fixed an issue where creating campaign and leaving any of the required fields empty, it will remove the widget and screentag fields that are left empty
  • Fixed an issue where Stopper widget with count up/down from date did only calculate the time since content assign
  • Fixed an issue where databinding with Hide based on and date option did not hide the widget, it gave back the current time instead
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget parsed timestamps incorrectly
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget's invalid folderbinding caused other databound widgets to not show up on page


New features

  • Added PO number to network Owner's manage client table


  • Standardized device's right click context menu
    • Reordered options to be more accessible
    • Disabled functions on offline screens that are not applicable for example Download screens logs
  • Made Screen's turn off display modal text clearer
    • Turn the display of the device on or off?
    • Do you want to turn on or off the display of device name?
  • Datasource names are now consistent between Settings > Datasources and Administrator > Datasources
  • Removed Clear cache and refresh content button from Screens tab

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content's screen online / offline counter did not show properly in search results
  • Fixed an issue where trying to remove Screens with lifetime licenses assigned showed wrong toast message

Version 1.11.399

September 8, 2023


  • Fixed loop displayer initialization on old webview versions

Version 1.11.397

September 7, 2023


  • Datasource refresh performance improvements
  • Expanded Editor Role Access to Edit Internal Datasources

Version 1.11.394

September 6, 2023



New features

  • Customer template management:

    • Owners have now the ability to flag a folder of Contents as a Template folder under a customer
    • Template selector now has 3 tabs: Private, Dedicated and Public
    • Private templates are the content(s) from the flagged folder(s)
    • Pages can be inserted as 'One page' contents
  • PowerBI improvements:

    • Implemented support for PowerBI Report Pages
    • Implemented support for PowerBI Bookmarks
  • Wayfinding improvements:

    • Now data can be picked by elements, and it is not necessary to bind the widget to the whole JSON
    • Datapicking elements improved caching process and speed of the widget
  • PDF improvements:

    • Stretching ability implemented in widget
    • External event handling support added to widget
      • Change source: Pdf widget sources can be directly changed by actions without folder binding
    • Outgoing events support added to widget
      • Added 2 new properties to the outgoing actions of the Pdf widget: fileName and fileAndPage (on top of existing documentNumber, pageNumber, documentTitle)
    • Pdf widgets that are big enough to fit in all slides now track the targeted slide differently than by default
    • Changed the baked in limit of number of slides in the editor in the pdf widget from 1 to 10
    • Added pdf file support for Campaigns
    • Each page inside a pdf file will become a whole campaign slide, showing that particular single page
    • In campaign snapshot each page is also a separate item, so the page number was added to the asset name
    • Disabled actions from executing on pdf and image gallery widgets which are playing inside a campaign widget to avoid error messages showing
    • Removed file name filtering for folder bound pdf and image gallery widgets
  • Gallery widget improvements:

    • Added pdf functionality to the Gallery widget
    • Improved Gallery widget actions:
      • First slide: Determines what page should be shown first in a multi pdf set-up
      • Outgoing action: Slide swap: triggers on each automatic or manual swap inside the image gallery
  • Campaign improvements:

    • Implemented Play multiple items in single playback slot

      • Play all items : When enabled all the campaign's elements will keep together instead of the default shuffling order
      • Playback slot duration: Will playback from the campaign x sec amount of items
      • Playback slot number: Will playback x amount of items from the campaign
    • Widget tags can be applied on campaigns:

      • Widget tags can be entered to campaigns
      • Widget tags can be applied on campaign widgets where the tags can be manually selected and also can be restricted to match all tags by Match all tags switch
    • Disabled animations when only 1 element plays inside the campaign

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Loops displayed browser preview's timeout overlay on certain devices
  • Fixed an issue where the pdf widget in horizontal mode had no separators
  • Fixed an issue where the urls of picked files from actions were not transformed to jscore-compatible format causing them to not load on jscore clients
  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget didn't resize pdf slides when the widget was resized
  • Fixed an issue where Pdf widget would always trigger actions when the rendered pages change, instead of only for scroll and click actions, or when the widget receives an incoming event navigating to a slide
  • Fixed an issue where the pdf widget would throw an error if the widget was resized through one of the three new "Resize for" buttons while the widget had an empty folderbind
  • Fixed an issue where the "Page number" and "Search" actions targeting pdf widgets didn't have a Value field in the modal in the editor
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns with Every screengroup had unidentified as their screengroup when opening
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns that have Screengroups set up could not be copied
  • Fixed an issue where Media widgets inside Campaign widget did not refresh after datasource change
  • Fixed an issue where the campaigns that have screengroups cannot be copied
  • Fixed an issue where media or media folder types could not be copied in the editor if the selection of files didn't change
  • Fixed an issue where the campaigns which already have screengroups selected cannot be copied


New features

  • Implemented time-based refresh rates for External datasources:
    • Refresh Frequency: Periodically refreshes the datasource
    • Cron expression: Uses Quartz Cron Expression to define the refresh frequency of the datasource. This value cannot be shorter than 5 seconds.
  • Implemented support for PO number field in Administrator > License orders
  • Improved the datasource resource caching to support arrays
  • Implemented a shortcut to easily create file / folder type system datasource

Bug fixes

  • Improved on MS Excel and Google Spreadsheet handling of "First row is header" function
    • Headers do not have to be unique anymore: same headers will get unique identifiers in json
    • There can be datarows with empty header: they will get an automatically generated name
  • Fixed an issue where Internal datasources showed a Successful modification message on structure type change, despite not doing it
  • Fixed an issue where Owner user on an empty customer's Settings > Datasources menu did not show Maximum file size property
  • Fixed an issue when opening two different contents in the same browser by using browser licenses with datasources
  • Fixed an issue where the change source action did not work on videos widget
  • Fixed an issue where time zone cannot set when the new screen has been added

Version 1.11.363

August 16, 2023


New features

  • Implemented support for sending out sensor messages to sensors as bytes

Bug fixes

  • General file processing and cache fixes
  • Fixed an issue where media based campaigns ignored video durations on JSCore devices
  • Fixed an issue where devices coming back from offline state did not pull folder changes


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where cloud credentials could be saved without a name
  • Fixed an issue where network ownership could not be granted or rewoked on a customer

Version 1.11.354

August 03, 2023


New features

  • Implemented modifications for Google credential modal to be Google compliant
  • Implemented switch for disabling destination domain MX record validation

Version 1.11.349

Jul 31, 2023


New features

  • Implemented new external datasource type: File from URL
    • File from URL creates a json datasource, which can help pull updated files from outside sources
    • Filemanager's 'Connect shared folder' also received new selector: Synch mode
      • Download once
      • Replace file on change
    • Improved datasource details modal, now it has 'Copy URL to clipboard' next to datasource ID
    • Implemented new API endpoint for reaching datasources Read more about API


  • Improved Proof of Play error handling while indexdb can not be initialized
  • Improved Shared folder's synch mechanism, from now on time between resynchs will be 1-1.5 minutes at most

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where displayer did not send the full URL to jscore clients with parameters when caching a request
  • Fixed an issue where if a folder's content was changed multiple times in a row folder bound widgets did not always play the latest files of the folder
  • Fixed an issue where folder bound widgets did not update their content when the folder bound to them become empty
  • Fixed an issue where folder bound widgets played files defined in the content json (when the content was last saved) when the players were started while bound to an empty folder

Version 1.11.343

Jul 26, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget's Interaction > Special > Forward and Backward interaction did not work
  • Fixed an issue where deselecting a slide by clicking out of it did not work inside Loop editor
  • Fixed an issue where layout slides inside Loop editor always put up "File no longer exists" warning
  • Fixed an issue where image fit property did not save properly to image folders inside Loop editor



  • Adjusted the logic for saving team selection modals. Now when the input field is focused it won't be saved on Enter
  • Streamlined search function across all team selection modals:
    • 0 characters in the searchbar gives back every team
    • 3 and more characters will initiate search

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where typing into team search bar did not search teams
  • Fixed an issue where already applied searches after team deletion did not reset the search results

Version 1.11.339

Jul 21, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where "Datasource event has changed to anything" now accurately detects even small scale changes within complex data structures
  • Fixed an issue where older webview versions showed black screen instead of playing contents

Version 1.11.335

Jul 19, 2023



  • Implemented missing file check for Loop editor. Files are now checked for missing files in the user's Loop timeline and a warning icon is displayed to notify the user
  • Twitter widget is temporarily hidden until official Twitter policy is announced. Existing widgets are not affected by any changes

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where 'Unassigned' page showed up as blank on older webview versions


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where datasources could not be saved after editing

Version 1.11.332

Jul 18, 2023


New features

  • Implemented time format evaluation options for color rules
    • Table widget > Column level settings > Color rules
    • Table widget > Table settings > Color Rules
    • Text widget > Bind Anything > Font color
    • Text widget > Bind Anything > Background color


  • Input fields now can display up to 6 numbers
  • Loop editor Video and Audio tabs do not let folders to be dragged
    • Added tooltip for this limitation
  • External player has been renamed in Loop editor to Native player
    • Video slides got a warning sign when Native player and Page animations are both enabled
  • Added tooltip for timeline item names in Loop editor. Now full name is visible inside hover tooltip
  • Add a button for editing the client secret for Microsoft credential

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Table widget > Table settings > Color Rules showed empty dropdown select



  • Googlesheets and Microsoft Excel sheets now use the same format

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where team selectors on Homescreen headers did not work
  • Fixed an issue where Administrator > Clients > Client details did not show under which Network the member was placed
  • Fixed an issue where Network Owner > Manage Clients > Expiration date was empty

Version 1.11.317

July 07, 2023

Major feature update


New features

  • Released experimental feature: PDF widget.
  • Campaigns and Messages can be disabled now without deleting them
  • Campaigns and Messages now have the option to skip the Content's Default page inside the playlist
  • Implemented Ordering mode for Content by tag, Media, and Media folder type campaigns.
    • Default option which uses the item weight (where applicable) or the contentId or the fileId
    • Alphabetical
    • Random
    • Campaign Ordering mode applies to content names with Content by tag type, and File names with media types
    • Content type Campaigns sort their contents by the order picked in the Content browser windows
  • Implemented Item shuffle mode for Content and Content by tag type Campaigns, which determines the order in which the Content pages follow each other in a multi-Content Campaign
    • Serial mode all pages of the first Content will be played first
    • Balanced mode the first pages of all Contents will be played then the second, etc.
  • Implemented Saturation for Campaigns, which determines the quantity in which the Campaign's elements will be present in the playlist. Higher number means greater appearance volume
  • Campaign widget now has Image fit property
    • For image files it is just like on the image widget (Stretch, Contain, Cover)
    • For videos Stretch and Contain are supported (Cover option works as Contain)
  • Content and Campaign content pre-caching changes to enable Placeholder content on Campaign widget to play while devices cache Campaign contents
  • Removed Iteration count from basic snapshot generation. It now only uses Item count which will generate a series of items
  • Implemented Advanced mode which works based on the previous item count and 3 optional parameters
    • Timed segment duration in seconds
    • Delay between segments in seconds
    • Segments
  • Changed Campaign engine and Snapshot generator to not save leftover balance between playback windows


  • Disabled widget animation on Campaign widget, when widget has Native player enabled
  • Renamed External player to Native player in:
    • Content Background video option
    • Loop editor
  • Implemented workaround for browser's autoplay policy
    • Videos in Preview and Browser signage mode will start to play automatically and muted
    • This change includes the following widgets: Video(s), Media, Campaign, Content(s)
    • This change includes Loops
  • Displayer now disables Content highlighting and selection

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaign elements did not play after device wen offline and a restart occurred
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign snapshot could contain an item that has a constraint failing
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign engine would attempt to restart in limited mode even after the balance ran out
  • Fixed an issue where Native video player was not removed in certain conditions


New features

  • Cloud integrations (Google and Microsoft credentials) are now part of Team management system
    • Please be aware if you have disabled 'Resources not assigned to team are available to everyone' in global team settings (Settings > Teams > cog icon) your users may not see all previously available credentials
  • Service principal access is available for every Microsoft based credential
    • Calendar
    • Drive
    • PowerBI
    • Lists
    • Workbook
  • Microsoft Calendar credentials are reworked. They are now accessible through different types
    • Personal: User's own calendar and shared calendars
    • Sharepoint: Includes both user's own calendar and shared calendars. User's user principal calendars. Also Site, Group, Room resource calendars (for example meeting room calendars)
    • Service principal
  • Implemented PDF as a new supported filetype
    • Implemented PPTX XLSX and DOCX conversion. These files will synch with Shared folders as PDF files
  • Extended Google Calendar credential option with Read only scope


  • Reworked PowerBI widget settings show/hide functionality. We notify the user in the following cases of missing credentials / availability:
    • If there is no Workspace
    • If there is no Dashboard
    • If there is no Report
    • If there is Dashboard, but there is no Tile

Version 1.11.293

June 26, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where raw assets (files, folders) in Campaigns did not report Proof of Play

Version 1.11.291

June 23, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Datasource mappers caused the calculated datasource to not refresh in some cases, resulting in the datasource being stuck

Version 1.11.290

June 22, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the HTML video players were not removed properly inside Campaign widget

Version 1.11.289

June 21, 2023



  • Improved Proof of Play error handling by implementing incremental retry mechanism


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where certain conditions caused devices to display the editor log-in screen

Version 1.11.282

June 15, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the same content was embedded across multiple layers it did not load

Version 1.11.279

June 13, 2023


New features

  • Stopper widget now supports new millisecond formats
    • More than a day
      • dd:hh:mm:ss:S
      • dd:hh:mm:ss:SS
      • dd:hh:mm:ss:SSS
    • Less than a day
      • hh:mm:ss:S
      • hh:mm:ss:SS
      • hh:mm:ss:SSS
      • mm:ss:S
      • mm:ss:SS
      • mm:ss:SSS
      • ss:S
      • ss:SS
      • ss:SSS
  • Dynamic and Automatic font size on Media and Text widget now have a maximum font size value

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget did not show caption formatting properly
  • Fixed an issue where Videos widget with HTML player ignored put layer order
  • Fixed an issue where Video widget with Native player enabled did not play inside Campaign widget
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget loaded incorrect images due to substring matching when binding images using string values
  • Fixed an issue where Loop's Probability feature did not work



  • Optimized caching resources to lower the number of necessary requests
  • Editor and Widget translations are now handled by translate service

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where widgets bound to internal datasource filepicker did not locate files from datapicker when using /image/name binding, if a file with the same name existed under the customer
  • Fixed issue where deleting a content folder would result in empty contents, if one of the folder's contents could not be deleted for example due to being part of an install rule
  • Fixed issue where synched files couldn't be removed in the background when the synched folder changed, specifically if the files were selected within a Media file-based Campaign. This caused a broken synch folder structure

Version 1.11.257

June 1, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Video widget did not stop looping video even when Loop option was disabled
  • Fixed an issue where certain Contents were unable to be opened for editing

Version 1.11.255

May 31, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaign widgets did not play items when set inside a Schedule
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases the data sent by the Next data row action was not updated properly

Version 1.11.253

May 30, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the displayer would attempt to reload missing embedded content continuously
  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget didn't play animation if it was placed as a Campaign content in certain cases
  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget would play the animation of the parent Campaign widget and not its own widget animation


May 24, 2023

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Proof of Play reported duplicates when Screen groups were nested at least two levels deep

Version 1.11.241

May 22, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget did not show on JSCore (BrightSign, LG, Samsung), and BrightSign legacy application correctly
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign snapshot would run indefinitely if the last item in an iteration was invalid


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where upload limits on Proof of Display statistics did not apply
  • Fixed an issue where Schedules reported duplicate times to Proof of Play module

Version 1.11.237

May 17, 2023

Major feature update


New features

  • Separated campaign features from the Contents widget to a new Campaign widget
  • Implemented a migration logic which migrates old Contents widgets with Campaign mode turned on to the new Campaign widget
  • Added animation properties to the Campaign widget, identical to the Gallery widget
    • Campaign item durations either through inheritance or defined on the campaign as maximum duration, will not be extended if campaign item animations are used, and the time the item is fully visible will be reduced by the animation duration. They also don't affect the time reported to proof if display.
    • For example if each item has a 10 seconds duration and a 2 seconds animation is added, each item will play a starting animation for 2 seconds (in-between items), stand still for 8 seconds, then play an exit animation for 2 seconds (during the exit animation the next item's enter animation already plays, fully overlapping)
  • The video and videos widgets inside campaigns will delay and shorten their video playback if campaign animations are enabled:
    • When a campaign item becomes expired or unavailable, it may play once more if it was the slide preloaded
  • Wayfinding widget has undergone a significant overhaul
  • Wayfinding now has map specific action types:
    • Show location
    • Close location
    • Reset map
    • Reset map to specific level
    • Switch level
    • Go to location (wayfinding)
    • Go from location to location (wayfinding)
    • Hide Path
  • Datasources related to widget are now editable from widget, no need to navigate to Setting > Datasources
  • Thumbholders can be used as location markers
  • Location actions can now be set to:
    • Default
    • Set all to tooltip
    • Set all to none
  • Sidebar is now modified with two modes:
    • Widgetwide
    • Orientation: which can be vertical or horizontal
  • Wayfinding feature is now fully integrated part of the widget
    • Static start location can be saved now
    • End location is now filled out with the currently selected location
  • Custom position settings have now their own sections


  • Reworked the displayer campaign engines and components for better code quality, and to support preloading and animations
  • Media widget icon got changed, to not get confused with the new Campaign widget
  • Reworked the Gallery widget to typescipt for better code quality

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where placeholder content did not show up on Campaign widget if device did not have tags
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign does not play on Brightsign devices(JsCore, Legacy)
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign widget time based mode didn't balance elements
  • Fixed an issue where Messages did not pause even when Campaign was inactive
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget pagination stopped after the first play



  • Changed campaign modal Default media duration and Maximum item duration inputs to require a minimum of 3 as value

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns could be saved without selected Advertiser
  • Fixed an issue where teams could not be deleted in certain cases

Version 1.11.214

May 8, 2023


New features

  • Deleting Content from Homescreen which is embedded into another Content will now have warning about embedding
  • Deleting Loop from Homescreen which is embedded into another Content/ Loop will now have warning about embedding


  • Improved and standardized modal of Add new Screen > Advanced, Install rule
  • Standardized tooltips between Add new Screen > Advanced, Install rule and device / device group right click >Set menupoints

Version 1.11.209

May 4, 2023



  • Video widget in Preview and Browser signage mode now starts as muted to workaround browsers's autoplay policy
  • Improved JsCore client application caching

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Gallery widget using Folder bind did not clear the previous folder path when changed to a new one
  • Fixed video playback issue with JsCore on Brightsign devices


New features

  • Microsoft Excel workbook is now available as a new type of External datasource
  • Publicly available Google drive images can now be cached from Google datasources


  • Improved Advertiser's Proof of Play share link modal UI
  • Standardized uploadable file formats between File manager and Shared folders

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where deleting System Datasources didn't update summary page and caused 404 errors
  • Fixed an issue where users with Approver role could not view Proof of Play statistics
  • Fixed an issue where tooltips on rigth-click Device Propertiess > Set modals got stuck until Homescreen reloaded

Version 1.11.199

April 28, 2023



  • Content widget proof of play (media asset) input is not hidden any more when the widget has one page mode turned on

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Proof of Play sent null instead of content id for campaign contents


New features

  • The server can now cache files even if the URL is not directly pointing to the file but the HTML view


  • Improved the storing and reporting performance of the Proof of Play module

Version 1.11.195

April 27, 2023


New features

  • Table widget received new fields in Hide rows evaluation Timestamp-week:
    • Start of the week: Monday, Saturday, Sunday. These will take into consideration which day the week starts
    • Use custom format switch with Date format input field. This field accepts date tokens for example: DD-MM-YYYY or YYYY-MM-DD
  • Stream widget now supports enabling and disabling subtitles inside streams


  • Created tooltip on widget's lock function: Lock/Unlock position, rotation and size of element

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Media widget character limit didn't apply properly
  • Fixed an issue where Media widget stuck in infinite loop when "display only" is set to zero
  • Fixed an issue where the video sync would not be consistent if the different platforms returned duration with different accuracy
  • Fixed an issue where videos with Native player enabled that were placed from embedded Contents were starting at the absolute time instead of the Page start time
  • Fixed an issue where vertical alignment on Table widget did not apply properly


New features

  • Proof of Play data is now retained for 90 days instead of 45


  • Advanced configuration modal underwent minor update:
    • Presets are removed from modal
    • Added Clear button
    • If there was previously a configuration set on the device the modal will load it
  • Campaign snapshot generation changed to show future iterations, however far away in the future they are
  • Campaign save functionality has been refactored:
    • It cannot save zero or fractioned numbers as Priority
    • Created tooltips for media duration fields: Duration must be greater than 0
    • Created warning message under duration fields: Value is too small! Min: 1
  • Now Proof of Play duration calculation is checked to prevent unreasonably large amounts to occur inside reports after the host OS comes back from sleep
  • Microsoft Credentials modal now have the following input order:
    • Name
    • Scope
    • Type
    • PowerBI and Lists scope are only available with SharePoint Type
  • All PowerBI error messages are now redirected as a console log for easier debugging

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Proof of Play under certain circumstances were calculated from 1971
  • Fixed an issue where Proof of Play manager didn't send reports for Contents embedded deeper than 1 layer
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect contentId was reported for embedded Contents
  • Fixed an issue where incorrect contentId could be reported if the Proof of Play reporting was framed more than once
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign Proof of Play reports had contentId assigned to them when they were embedded inside an iframe
  • Fixed an issue where File asset's Proof of Play duration started multiple times causing the reports to split to 4 instances per file
  • Fixed an issue where team selectors didn't list all the available teams
  • Fixed an issue where available teams were not sorted in alphabetical order

Version 1.11.172

March 29, 2023

Major feature update


New features

  • The media widget datasource connector now has an additional field that can be selected dynamically, similar to the title field. This new field enables the configuration of font color for each card item.


New features

  • Campaigns have received a significant update to their features:
    • Campaigns can now be accessed by users with Technician role:
    • Settings > Campaign page is now accessible for Technician users
    • Enabled adding message groups for Technician user
  • Campaigns can now be assigned and managed by teams:
    • Settings > Teams has a button and modal for editing access of a Team for all the Campaigns
    • Settings Campaigns add and edit has two team dropdown menus 'Campaign can be managed by teams' and 'Campaign applies to contents and screens of teams'
  • The Hide UI function now includes Campaigns, allowing users to hide this feature if needed
  • Implemented the same minute-precise affected hours for Messages as they are in Campaigns
  • Filtered folders are now available to Campaigns
  • The working hours UI now features a new selector called 'Mode', which provides users with the option to choose between turning on either the 'Screen' or 'Device'.
  • Devices now come with an additional JSON configuration known as 'advancedConfiguration'. A new option, similar to 'Sensor config', has been added in the right-click menus for device and device-group to incorporate this new 'Device config' for devices that support this feature
  • 'Setting > Screens' has a new column 'Last Activity' it is orderable and functions in the same way as the 'Last Activity' column in the 'Administrator > Screens' section

Improvements -The 'General' block in Device info now includes a new parameter named 'Host name' instead of 'Debug'. The value of this field can be obtained optionally from the deviceInfo JSON, which includes a 'hostname' within the 'general' property. Additionally, the 'Debug' field has been relocated to the 'Other' block

  • External datasources now state the maximum size in Settings > Datasources > External datasources
  • Refactored team access property handling in the following components' Add/Edit modal:
    • Message group
    • Message
    • Screen
    • User
    • Campaign
    • Device right click menu team assignments
    • Home screen Top menus' teams section
    • Home screen Content / Loop / Schedule Add/Add Group / Duplicate modals
    • Quick filter
    • File modal
    • Import content modal
    • Datasources (External Internal System)

Bug fixes

  • Campaigns underwent a significant overhaul:
  • Fixed an issue where Content widget went back to placeholder if played Campaign had tag change
  • Fixed an issue where Content-based Campaigns did not play every Content inside Campaign
  • Fixed an issue where Content-based Campaign Content's Default page did not show if Default page had no next page set
  • Fixed an issue where Content-based Campaigns did not properly inherit page timing duration when 'Inherit item duration' was switched on
  • Fixed an issue where Content-based Campaigns' snapshot did not update the timings when changes were made to the Content page timing
  • Fixed an issue where Message-based Campaigns did not play every Message in a Message group
  • Fixed an issue where Folder-based Campaigns ignored 'Alphabetical' order setting
  • Fixed an issue where video player for File-based Campaigns with the 'Native' video players weren't removed
  • Fixed an issue where the video players in file type campaigns would always play as native players, ignoring the editor setting
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign and Message table 'Paused' icon appeared on wrong days
  • Fixed an issue where Message and Campaign 'Affected hours' were not accurately calculated in the editor. This issue occurred when displaying them as an icon in the table, as well as when showing them in the input within the modal
  • Fixed an issue where a Campaign did not start playing if the displayer started playing the Campaign placeholder, or could not restart after a time frame without active Campaigns
  • Team management modals underwent a similar overhaul in to following places:
  • External datasource, Internal datasource, System datasource, Add Screen, File quick filter, Import content
  • Fixed an issue where Teams of a Technician user were not selected by default when adding a new resource
  • Fixed an issue where Teams selected by default for an Owner or Technician were calculated incorrectly internally, causing their selection to not apply to the added resource or would prompt a message that they are missing potentially
  • Fixed an issue where the team select dropdown for non-Owner users was incorrectly appearing or not appearing in certain locations
  • Fixed an issue where the team select dropdown was not shown as required at certain places where it should have
  • Fixed an issue where certain resources could not be modified by non-Owner users when they should have
  • Fixed an issue where the custom dropdown select components would not always appear at the right anchor position
  • Fixed an issue where the System datasource modal had the wrong dropdown menu for team selection that didn't have the 3 states

Version 1.11.155

March 07, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the bound property in the content JSON was the same as the one in the editor, the widgets would not appear immediately.
  • Fixed an issue where Carousel widget with Use folder did not show up correctly in browser preview.
  • Fixed an issue where Table widget pagination on Overlay page stopped after a page change.



  • Renamed Campaign types:
    • Files type to Media
    • Folders type to Media folders
  • Campaign snapshot now lists the Media's name (filename) instead of its Id.
  • Device system datasource received additional fields:
    • Last status change (per device)
    • Number of online devices (global)
    • Number of offline devices (global)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where BrightSign did not play videos inside Campaigns.
  • Fixed an issue where Message group based Campaigns forgot their Message group setup and did not play the assets.
  • Fixed an issue where White label only SSO login gets two-factor authentication pop-up.
  • Fixed an issue where per page pagination count was not appearing in:
    • Settings > Datasources > System datasources
    • Settings > Campaigns
  • Fixed an issue where Datasource actions > merge warning line incorrectly warned the user about the wrong databinding.

Version 1.11.144

February 28, 2023

Major feature update


New features

  • Improved general usage of 'External player' on Stream, Media, and Contents widget:
    • External player has been renamed to Native player in the label and tooltip.
    • If you turn on the native player while the widget has animations, you will get a warning toast, and animations will turn off.
    • If you turn on the native player while the page has animations, or you turn on page animations while the widget has the native player, you will get a warning toast message, and a warning icon on the affected widgets will show with a hover tooltip.
    • Widget animations are hidden for the Contents widget if the Native player is turned on. Additionally, the above warnings are calculated when pressing the Campaign mode checkbox of the Contents widget too.
    • The widget has the Native player turned on by default, and the native player is not turned off when turning off Campaign mode.
  • Stream widget only the warning icon and hover tooltip for Page animations. Hid and removed widget animations from the Stream widget, including displayer logic.
  • If a Media widget previously had the native player turned on and widget animation applied (whole widget), the animations will be turned off, and a toast will be shown when you enter the editor. This will also trigger the Content unsaved state.


  • Improved internal datasource action: now, instead of a JSON array selector, it is a proper datasource selector.
  • Campaigns had multiple minor overhauls in naming and tooltips:
    • Renamed duration 'Based on page length' to Based on Inherited item duration to take into consideration raw files and folders.
    • Expanded tooltip for Campaign statuses with simple explanations.
    • Rename snapshot columns with 'Media' instead of asset, to be consistent with every other naming in the campaign UI.
    • Duration column now has a tooltip explaining that duration is for the items inside a campaign and not for the whole campaign.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where folder-bound gallery and videos widgets didn't randomize their item order if the items didn't change in the folder since saving the content.
  • Fixed an issue where Templates were not able to be opened for editing.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the first item (item 0) to be duplicated when rotating the data source and using the 'Action batch > Next data row' sent field on a page change action with the 'repeat' change type condition.
  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns showed up on Settings > Campaigns as paused even when they played on the device.
  • Fixed an issue where Campaign snapshot didn't have a preview image for videos.



  • Removed Custom asset usage statistics from Content > Statistics menu point because it was made redundant with Proof of Play > Group by: Custom assets.
  • Refined modal text for Content deletion when they are set inside a Schedule.
  • 'Not allowed', 'Read', 'Read write' icons are not clickable and select every available team in the column.

Version 1.11.132

February 21, 2023


New features

  • Improved general usage of 'External player' on Video and Videos widget:
    • External player has been renamed to 'Native player' in the label and tooltip.
    • If 'Native player' is turned on while the widget has animations, a warning toast message shows, and animations will turn off from the widget.
    • If 'Native player' is turned on while the page has animations, or page animations are turned on while the widget has 'Native player' enabled, a warning toast message shows.
    • Additionally, a warning icon on the affected widgets is placed on their upper-left corner, which has a hovering warning tooltip.


  • Added 'Manual type' selector to Contents widget 'Campaign mode'. Campaign items can now be iterated through on a set time interval.
  • Improved SVG image identification. Changed SVG flagging to only happen in the editor, so the displayer doesn't generate requests each time an image widget or a gallery widget slide renders.



  • Refined toast message where uploads failed due to a file being too big. Now the toast message shows the file size limit.
  • Moved 'Campaign playlist snapshot' menu option under the 'Statistics' section in the right-click menu of a device on the Home page.
  • Reverted a Content deletion check. Contents can now be deleted again if they are set inside a Schedule.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where requesting a Proof of Play from a Screen in an Advertiser group by returned no data.

Version 1.11.113

February 14, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Batch events caused the actions inside to be repeated over and over indefinitely.

Version 1.11.112

February 13, 2023

Major feature update



  • In Edit touch actions > Change datasource > Datasource selector, datasources are now in A-Z order.
  • In Settings > Teams, all the selectors work in a consistent manner. Selected sources are at the top of the selector.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where scroll widget didn't scroll when set with message board.
  • Fixed an issue where opening multiple Action modals (e.g., touch events modals) on top of each other and saving them very quickly wouldn't save changes in some of the modals.
  • Fixed an issue where sources on Video widget applied slowly or to click event.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Use regular expressions for values' showed even if 'Depend on the values of interactive widgets' was turned off.


New features

  • Added a new switch to Internal datasources: Editable from display. This enables Internal datasources to be manipulated through Content interactions (e.g., touch events) by a new action type instead of creating and maintaining Webhooks. This new Action type is Datasource actions, which includes the following manipulation types:
    • Decrease internal datasource value
    • Delete internal datasource value
    • Empty internal datasource array
    • Increase internal datasource value
    • Insert to internal datasource array
    • Merge internal datasource
    • Remove from internal datasource array
    • Rotate internal datasource array
    • Set internal datasource
  • Added a new type of External datasource as an experimental feature: CAP datasource type.


  • Renamed 'Impressions' to 'Plays' in Proof of Play to better reflect its purpose.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content page in Campaign should report separately from the campaign if the campaign doesn't have Advertiser.
  • Fixed an issue where single assets in Campaigns (single file, single content with only one page) did not report to Advertiser.
  • Fixed an issue where raw assets (files, folders) in Campaigns did not report to Advertiser.
  • Fixed an issue where Message group type Campaigns have completely dropped their set 'Message group' when they were Edited.

Version 1.11.102

February 8, 2023

Major feature update


New features

  • Released experimental feature available only to Admin users: Wayfinding widget.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the stopper widget would show with an inconsistent 1-second delay on slower devices.



  • Implemented secondary sort for certain pages on the Settings and Admin summary pages.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the usage details of certain resources never finished loading.
  • Fixed an issue where the Home Page device alert handling service gave back nullpointer error.

Version 1.11.96

February 2, 2023



  • Added an additional property to the Stopper widget's returned config in order to synchronize date times.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the legacy LG application could not be downloaded.

Version 1.11.94

February 1, 2023



  • Contents widget 'Campaign mode' now has the following tooltip: 'Play campaign contents. Campaigns don’t have master/overlay page, can’t use navigations, interactions or animations.'


New features

  • 'Campaign playlist snapshot' download is now available from 'Screen info' modal.


  • Improved Proof of Play statistical data:
    • Contents / Single Content statistics now can also be grouped by file and custom assets.
    • Contents / Single Content statistics grouped by Content pages was missing 'Impressions' attribute.
    • Single Screen statistics grouped by Content pages now does not have 'Page type' attribute.
  • Added tooltips for Screens / Screen groups, Loops / Loop groups, Contents / Content groups, Schedules / Schedule groups.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Files couldn't be removed from File manager.

Version 1.11.92

January 31, 2023


New features

  • Added a new slide box to the 'Stopper widget' for displaying leading zeros to single-digit values.
    • This slide box is only displayed if the 'Type' is either 'count up from date' or 'count down to date' and the digital format value is one from the Individual group.


New features

  • Improved pivot tables with graph presets where data is already formatted to suit the display method of the graph.
  • Reworked content import modal:
    • 'Avoid duplicate files' is now a slider.
    • Users can now select the option of where to create a new folder during the import of content. This fixes an issue where content cannot be imported if 'Allow users in teams... into root folder' is disabled.


  • Adding new screens with 'Advanced options' enabled only sends the filled-out fields instead of all the available fields.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns didn't send data to Advertiser's Proof of Play.
  • Fixed an issue where old contents with the Contents widget did not play because of a missing 'Campaign mode' attribute.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Campaign playlist snapshot' could not be downloaded.

Version 1.11.88

January 27, 2023

Major feature update


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where clearing Table widget data binding with the Clear button didn't trigger the editor unsaved state.
  • Fixed an issue where SVG image files didn't stretch in Image and Gallery widgets.


New features

  • Fully reworked statistics, Advertiser menus, CSV download, and pivot tables.
  • Statistic report is rebranded and rolled into 'Proof of Play,' including:
    • File manager > 'Show/Download Display statistics' is now merged into a single modal.
    • Contents and Loops have a joint 'Proof of Play' statistic replacing 'Content > Page usage statistic.'
    • Screens now have their own 'Proof of Play.'
    • Advertiser > Proof of Play.
  • The following statistics stayed separate from 'Proof of Play':
    • Screen > Screen analytics.
    • Screen > Audience statistics.
    • Content > Custom asset reporting.
  • Different statistics functions are now merged into one 'Statistics' menu in the Screens, Loops, and Contents context menu.
  • 'Proof of Play' modal's 'Show' function now leads to a pivot table:
    • Pivot tables now have a duration, same as selected in the modal.
    • Removed unnecessary 'Attributes' from pivot table.
    • Removed unnecessary 'Aggregator values' from pivot table.
    • Removed unnecessary 'Display methods' from pivot table.


  • Rebranded 'Free' license to 'Demo.'
  • Administrator 'Create user' has been improved:
    • Removed the SA checkbox input.
    • Admin role can be selected from the Role dropdown menu.
    • If the customer is not selected and the role is not Admin, the user cannot be saved and a toast will be shown.
    • If the Admin role is selected, the Client dropdown menu will be hidden.
  • Devices now store their own screen tags which can be queried from Content.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the delete file modal inside the file manager didn't display how many contents the file is used in.

Version 1.11.74

January 18, 2023



  • Stopper widget's "count down to date" can now count down to an event (e.g. 2022.10.15. 10:00).



  • Changed Owner user's root Screen group actions so when "Select teams to view resources as" has specific teams selected, only those screens are affected by the changes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Campaigns didn't update on the device when inner Content changed.
  • Fixed an issue where the team selection modal appeared for file uploads when the user only had one team.
  • Fixed an issue where the team selection modal didn't work for file uploads, content/schedule/loop duplication, and content import.

Version 1.11.67

January 17, 2023


New features

  • Webp images are now supported in the editor.


  • Reworked Stopper widget:
    • On the widget's settings, "direction" has been renamed to "type".
    • Added 2 new types of counting: count up from date and count down to date.
    • Reordered widget options and added a new switch box as Advanced. This section contains the less frequently used settings of the widget. If "count up from date" or "count down to date" is selected, the other options that are not required will not show.
    • Added 00:00 as the default start for "count up" types and as the default stop for "count down" types.
    • Added hh format to the widget.
    • Added a new "Individual values" section to Digital formats to slice up date/times into sections. For example: 01:12:56 (dd:hh:mm) in Individual mm format means 56 will be displayed.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Actions' static value on Stopper widget only contained 3 fields instead of 4.


New features

  • Campaigns now have a manual mode where you can interact and switch between the Campaign items with events and actions.
  • Campaigns can now play media files (images and videos) and folders directly.
  • Default duration can be set for media files that don't have an applicable duration of their own (images).
  • Ordering can be set for folders (Random and A to Z), and Campaign will play the folder items in the set order.


  • Summary pages in Settings and Admin are now optimized for swift response. Elements that take longer to calculate (e.g., Customer storage usage) have a busy indicator on them while loading.
  • Continued reworking file reporting, content page usage reporting, advertiser reporting on the backend side.
  • External datasources can now follow redirections when caching external resources (e.g., images).
  • Content deletion checks are now stricter. Content cannot be deleted in the following cases:
    • Assigned to device.
    • Set as emergency on a Customer.
    • Set in an Install rule.
    • Set in a Webhook.
    • Set in a Content type Message.
    • Set in a Schedule either as Default content or just inside a Schedule.
    • Set in a Campaign.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where editing an existing Sharepoint list had an extra URL field.

Version 1.11.41

December 14, 2022



  • Reworked content and loop asset and advertiser reporting.
  • Removed charge logic from advertisers.
  • Added Toggle all button to Manage teams > Select teams to view resources as they see them sidebar.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the endless scroll widget could not play text-type messages.
  • Fixed an issue where Loop didn't report statistics when the Loop was embedded into another loop/loop layout/content.
  • Fixed an issue where the loop didn't report statistics when the Loop had only one slide.
  • Fixed an issue where asset names didn't show up in the statistics report.

Version 1.11.32

December 06, 2022

Major feature update


New features

  • Added US state code support for the weather widget.
  • Added Campaign function.
    • Campaigns can be used to organize content playback placement and timing inside the Contents widget's new Campaign mode.
    • Campaign mode doesn’t have master/overlay pages and cannot use page navigation or interactions with embedded contents.


  • Removing Master and Overlay pages from the content now removes their preview.


New features

  • Added authenticated GoogleSheet integration. Users can now create GoogleSheet datasources with their Google credentials.
  • Added follow redirects option for external datasources for ICAL, JSON, RSS, and XML types.
  • Added a Clone screen option that helps users add new screens to the system with the settings of an existing screen.
  • Added a new Working hours UI to the screen context menu.
  • Redesigned the login page to a more modern look.
  • Added new options to the Assign screen modal.
  • Added authenticated Microsoft Sharepoint list integration.
    • Users can now create Sharepoint list datasources with their Microsoft credentials.
  • Added System datasources as a new datasource type.
    • Users can now pull system data into a datasource and display it in contents.


  • Removed the support of TLS 1.0 and TLS 1.1.
  • Minor security updates.
  • The alerting system can now monitor and send notifications about a screen being offline in a sub-group.
  • Reworked device metrics database backend.
  • The 'Display screen name' modal now tracks if the screen name is hidden or not and only shows the corresponding button and description instead of both.
  • Updated application webserver.
  • Edge servers have taken over the place of DMS servers.
    • Edge servers will work as a proxy between screens and the server.
  • The Screen info modal now contains a Settings section with additional information about the screen (Time zone, Working hours, Orientation, and more).
  • Removed the Uninstall app option from the Remove screen modal.
  • Replaced the old unassigned HTML that appeared after screen installation with a new one.
    • Also added new HTML that appears when a screen is assigned to a Client but does not have content assigned to it.
  • Removed the Flow menu from the Administrator tab.
  • Extended the Team permission system with Read-only and Read/Write permissions.
  • Webhooks are now unique by event ID.
  • Screen settings are now stored in the database instead of directly sending to the screen.
    • This way, if a screen does not get settings because it went offline at that moment, the server will apply it the next time the screen is online.
  • Reworked the email layout of the 'Administrator user modified' notification.
  • The time zone list for screens is now common for every screen type.