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Version 1.10.338

March 10, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Cooltext widget Right to left mirrored the words instead of changing the writing direction.

Version 1.10.337

February 21, 2023


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where every time a page change happened to or from a page containing databound widgets, it always triggered a datasource request.
  • Fixed an issue where table widgets on overlay pages stopped paginating after a page change.
  • Fixed an issue where datasource binding did not play multiple images on gallery widget.



  • Added warning modal to Administrator > Scripts > Add module section.
    • Module upload should only be performed by individuals who have the necessary expertise and take full responsibility for the process.
    • If an issue occurs, technical support may be required and may involve additional fees.
    • It is crucial to be aware of the potential security risks involved.

Version 1.10.330

January 27, 2023



  • Improved tooltip wording on "Randomize" function on relevant widgets. New tooltip: "Randomize the order of contents (random order is unique to every screen)."


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the license package name of the screens were not displayed in the License column in the Screen admin page.
  • Fixed an issue where file uploads failing due to a file being too big in certain conditions showed wrong toast message.
  • Fixed an issue where ico files could not be uploaded as a white label browser tab icon.
  • Fixed an issue where special characters were not searchable under Administrator > Clients.

Version 1.10.327

January 17, 2023



  • Content preview images are more often generated in the editor:
    • Immediately when leaving a page, the previous page's preview image will be refreshed.
    • 1 second after opening a page, the preview image will be refreshed.
    • 15 seconds after editing a page, the preview image will be refreshed (continuous editing will reset the delay).
    • These new features only update the page previews; the whole content preview image visible on the Home page is still only refreshed when manually saving the content, with the page being open at the time of saving.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Content widget's one page option rendered items that were placed outside editing canvas.
  • Fixed an issue where folder bound Gallery widget (image gallery) threw an error when content was opened.
  • Fixed an issue where folder bound Gallery widget didn't update playlist when folder path was changed.
  • Fixed an issue where folder bound Videos widget (video gallery) items were not in abc order.
  • Fixed an issue where Background audio changes applied very slowly.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Datasource request custom headers could not be deleted.
  • Fixed an issue where License order info modal did not throw toast message if the new screen license count is higher than the available amount.

Version 1.10.319

December 14, 2022



  • Two-factor authentication can be changed from admin site from now on.
  • Changed carousel widget's source and event value layout to be more comprehensive.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where table widget inside embedded content didn't show up.
  • Fixed an issue where pop-up didn't remove video when pop-up was closed.
  • Fixed an issue where pop-up didn't play the right video when the source came from a mock datasource.
  • Fixed an issue where the image gallery widget played from Z to A in certain webview versions instead of alphabetical order.
  • Fixed an issue where background audio is playing on pages where there is no audio set-up.
  • Fixed an issue where password-protected datasources couldn't be accessed even with custom headers set.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong site logo was pulled for whitelabelled servers.

Version 1.10.315

December 06, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where datasource hide based on function sometimes hid widgets even when the criterion was not met.
  • Fixed an issue where folder-bound videos widget did not refresh on folder change if the widget was bound to an internal datasource's folder picker.
  • Fixed a memory leak when the table widget contained content.

Version 1.10.311

December 01, 2022



  • Changing the currently played content while displayed in a schedule now triggers a refresh content on the assigned devices.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the dynamic font size on media widget did not work properly on Brightsign, LG, and Samsung devices.
  • Fixed an issue where if the dynamic font size is enabled on the media widget, then partial display options did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the bound folder of the image gallery with event actions did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the forward and backward actions triggered on image gallery with autoplay caused the appearing image to play twice when the autoplay continues.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the bound folder of the image gallery in the editor did not refresh the images in it.
  • Fixed an issue where 'Wait for page end' option for sensor events did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the custom widget with URL did not appear if there were multiple of them on the same page.
  • Fixed an issue where the trim value of the scroll widget could not be reset to 0.
  • Fixed an issue where if the text widget background color is bound to an internal datasource, it did not appear in the editor properly.
  • Fixed an issue where setting the base data path broke the existing bindings in the content.
  • Fixed an issue where the toggle icon of the overlay page preview did not change after changing the state.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where deleting an internal datasource did not refresh the data in the table properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the Webhook table under Settings could not be sorted by name or event ID.
  • Fixed an issue where the target dropdown menu in the 'Add new webhook action' modal did not show any options.

Version 1.10.305

November 23, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the audio stream could still load the source from the server after being destroyed in the displayer.
  • Fixed an issue where the editor overlay page preview could be outdated without manual saving.



  • Added a not allowed toast message when trying to upload a .ico file.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the message team permissions could not be edited in some cases.
  • Fixed an issue where the team selection dropdown could not show the selected value in the Edit message modal.
  • Fixed an issue where Share simple loop feature did not work and had the wrong button text.
  • Fixed an issue where the file size limit in 'Connect shared folder' modal appeared wrongly.

Version 1.10.303

November 22, 2022



  • Renamed the base input fields of the Weather widget to properly describe the functionality of each input field.
  • Streams using the external player are now enabled when embedded.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Animation time input field appeared when no Animation type was selected for Dynamic pages in the Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the displayer content background style was not re-calculated when the browser window was resized.
  • Fixed an issue where the loop editor's unsaved state would trigger when selecting a slide with active only play rules.



  • The device set license modal improvements:
    • The modal now shows the currently set license when opened.
    • Free license type now only appears if the device currently has a free license.
    • Closing or saving the modal no longer requests the data of the Summary page.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the remove file modal showed a wrong message if the file had a duplicate.
  • Fixed a typo in the System integrations menu: WebhookEvent -> Webhook event.
  • Fixed an issue where a pointer cursor appeared for the phone input field, in the Users menu under Administrator, like it was a clickable button.
  • Fixed and improvements for the Team view selector used by Owner users:
    • Changing the 'Include resources without team' option now correctly enables the Apply button.
    • All teams and the 'Include resources without team' option are checked by default.
    • Changed the Clear button to Reset.
    • At least one team must be selected, a toast is shown if the last one was attempted to be unchecked.
  • Changed the wrong QR code label text for Two-factor authentication in the User settings modal.
  • Fixed an issue where searching for a device by its name showed a warning toast message.
  • Fixed a bug where certain select dropdown menus did not show the selected value for a resource.
  • Fixed an issue when there was no proper information shown when user creation failed due to not providing a password when the mail service is disabled.
    • The create user modal now properly stays open when the previously mentioned scenario happens.
  • Changed video preview generation format and compression to reduce file size when uploading video.
    • This caused high-resolution videos to fail to upload.
  • Fixed an issue where the user only saw 10 calendars when made an Office 365 calendar datasource.

Version 1.10.295

November 15, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed some issues regarding removing embed external players on Android devices.

Version 1.10.292

November 11, 2022


New features

  • Added adaptive font size option for Text widget.
    • Turning on this feature makes the Text widget automatically adjust the font size to match the box size of the widget.
  • Added a warning modal for Administrators when opening a content that is owned by a different client than the one they have selected.


  • Turning on 'Play in background' feature on Video, Videos, and Stream widgets with an external player now automatically sets the rendering mode to dynamic. Manually changing it to static rendering mode now automatically disables the 'Play in background' feature.
    • Android devices cannot place static rendered videos in the background. Legacy settings where the 'Play in background' is turned on and the rendering mode is static will keep functioning as Play in background and dynamic rendering mode.
  • BrightSign external players cannot be animated anymore.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the HTTP audio stream was not explicitly started with play and load function calls.
  • Fixed an issue where the Weather widget icons did not appear if the widget alignment was set to horizontal.
  • Fixed an issue where certain widgets' file picker inputs did not immediately apply their new value in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the displayer would send duplicated file cache requests simultaneously if there are multiple instances in the content that use the file.
  • Fixed an issue where the selected page of the content widget, with One page option turned on, was reset in the editor when switching to another page or re-opening the content.
  • Fixed an issue where in some cases the table widget did not sort the table properly based on the selected column.



  • Changed the required scope for creating a Google Sheet from Wallboard.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the toast message for screen assign error showed undefined as the reason.
  • Fixed an issue where the Screens and Active browser session pages were not sorted by default on the Administrator page.

Version 1.10.270

October 26, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the right side of embed contents in table widgets was cut off due to misplace.
  • Made additional fixes for dynamic font size in media widgets.
  • Fixed a cache issue that caused BrightSign, LG, and Samsung devices to show a black screen when the application started without an internet connection or sometimes after clearing the cache of the device.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where error toast messages appeared for users with the Viewer role.

Version 1.10.268

October 24, 2022



  • Removed vertical text alignment options for Media widget.
  • Modified the tooltip of External player rendering mode.
  • Background and Animation related inputs are now hidden on widgets with the external player turned on in the editor.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue with the Image gallery widget, where folder-bound galleries did not show the images in alphabetical order.
  • Fixed an issue where column-level text formattings in the Table widget did not appear properly.
  • Fixed an issue where interactions did not work on the Master page.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the Stream widget to appear a bit smaller in the displayer.
  • Fixed a typo in "Image location folder" text in the datepicker.
  • Fixed an issue where the "X" in the input reset buttons was misplaced in some places.
  • Fixed an issue where larger letters like "g" or "j" were cut off in the name of pages in the playlist.


New features

  • Added new "Invoiced / Not invoiced" filters to the Clients menu on the Administrator page.


  • Invoice emails now contain the name of the server and the comment of the license order.
  • Implemented security improvements.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the selected network owner was not shown sometimes for a customer in the customer details modal on the Administrator page.

Version 1.10.264

September 30, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where Custom widgets did not appear in the widget list in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where if you had actions on a table widget, inside "Column level settings > Events > Touch actions", it caused the widget to freeze.



  • Improved the text formatting of Invoice emails and added more details to the email.
  • The system will now send out email notifications about invoices required when a license order is made with an expired invoice date.

Version 1.10.259

September 21, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the external URL / direct link input did not work in the File browser modal.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where customers with a quick filter folder could not be removed from the system.
  • Fixed an issue where the content select dropdown in the Edit webhook action modal did not always show the previously selected content.

Version 1.10.254

September 08, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Table widget could freeze in some cases.



  • Improved the performance of accessing the resources of teams on the Backend.

Version 1.10.252

September 05, 2022



  • Significantly improved the caching of the weather widget files.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the external video background of the master page was placed with the wrong z-index on BrightSign, causing it to cover everything.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the horizontal alignment of texts in the media widget to not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the insert content widget layers feature did not scale letter-spacing.
  • Fixed an issue when using the insert content widget layers feature, custom fonts did not show immediately.
  • Fixed an issue where the weather widget could not refresh its data in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where masked widgets and images in general could render with a white border.
  • Fixed an issue where the mask option did not apply instantly on widgets in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue that caused the datasource not to refresh properly on page change.
  • Fixed an issue where datasource-bound widgets did not refresh properly on BrightSign devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the same loop added as a slide multiple times would not play more than once.
  • Fixed an issue where the same loop added as a slide multiple times would cause the displayer to download it multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where the external player inside template slides in the loop displayer was mispositioned.
  • Fixed an issue where the Displayer scheduler could repeat the same content again if there was no other content to play after other than the default.
  • Fixed an issue where the scheduled all-day events could play a day earlier than intended.


New features

  • Added a "Select all" and "Unselect all" button to multi-select dropdowns.


  • The Add user modal on the Settings page no longer automatically selects all teams by default.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Analytics page did not show the currently selected screen(s).
  • Fixed an issue where the device select dropdown on the Analytics page could not scroll down after changing the selected customer.
  • Fixed an issue where the multi-select dropdown could fail to show any item after selecting a device on the Analytics page.
  • Fixed an issue where the selected device did not update when selecting another customer on the Analytics page.
  • Fixed an issue where the multi-select dropdown on the Analytics page could fail to show any item after pressing the reset button.
  • Fixed an issue where the Set time zone modal listed the wrong options for BrightSign devices.
  • Fixed an issue where the user could not delete itself after declining terms of service.
  • Fixed the email input field icon tooltip position in the User modal on the admin page.

Version 1.10.239

July 28, 2022



  • Changed the image gallery widget in the displayer to wait for the page enter animation with rendering.
  • Removed the Mapwize related functions from the widget interactions.
  • Changed the content browser search bar input evaluation delay from 100ms to 300ms to reduce the number of requests sent to the server.
  • Content browser of the Content and Contents widget will now show the currently selected content(s) on the top of the table.
  • Changed the gallery caption setting to be off by default.
  • Reworked the dynamic font size calculation in the Media widget.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where overlay immediately appeared in Template preview.
  • Fixed a bug where the displayer overlay didn't appear when templates were displayed on screen.
  • Fixed a bug where the page up and page down keys didn't work in the Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the displayer did not remove external stream players properly, and the next time it was not able to put down a new player.
  • Fixed an issue where modifications of an already existing table widget only appeared after reloading the Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where Power BI gathered an access token unnecessarily after selecting a Workspace in Editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the content-wide custom scripts did not execute.
  • Fixed an issue where the screen params disappeared from the Custom widget URL due to an incorrect delayed reload.
  • Fixed an issue where the table widget displayed a NULL value if the column had special formatting but there were no data in the cell.
  • Fixed a bug where the changes to the page background wouldn't apply immediately in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where page changes triggered the enter and exit animations of widgets on the master page.
  • Fixed an issue where changing the Next page delay in the Page properties did not update the delay input field in the Main Playlist section.
  • Fixed a bug where the clock widget did not update to the selected language immediately in the editor.
  • Fixed a bug where dragging multiple widgets in the editor could calculate the position incorrectly.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Send to back" and the "Bring to front" buttons did not work in the editor widget context menu.
  • Fixed a bug where the content browser would allow selecting the currently opened content for content widgets.
  • Fixed a bug where the videos widget could have hidden videos after turning off the Use folder function.
  • Fixed a bug where the caption did not appear on the widget when rendering it for the first time.
  • Fixed a bug where images rendered in the loop displayer were pixelated.



  • Turning off the Cache external sources slidebox now disables all the cache-related slidebox in the Edit external datasource modal.
  • Concurrent license limitation now also removes the following to display the overlay:
    • External video player on Brightsign devices
    • External video player in Loops
    • External stream player in Contents

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the license package filter did not work on the Settings tab -> Licenses -> Screen licenses sub-menu.
  • Administrators can now change the price of license orders.
  • Fixed an issue where the 'Move group' dropdown also listed the child groups.
  • Fixed broken Knowledge base help links.
  • Fixed issues regarding Manage license packages in the Client details modal on Administrator:
    • Fixed an issue where the selected packages appeared disabled.
    • Fixed an issue where searching for packages removed the already selected packages from the input field.
  • Fixed an issue where the Place client under a network input field could appear empty in the Client details modal on Administrator.
  • Fixed the alphabetical sorting of dropdowns:
    • 'Move to client' in the Device context menu.
    • 'License order' in the Add new device modal.
    • 'Package filter' in the Screen licenses sub-menu under Settings tab -> Licenses.
    • 'License order' in the Screens menu under Settings tab.
    • 'License order, Screen group, Content, Emergency content, Datasource' in the Add new/Edit Install rules modal under Settings tab.
    • 'Screen group' in the Add new Messages modal under Settings tab.
    • 'Scope' in the Add new Google and Microsoft cloud integration modal under Settings tab.
    • 'Type' in the Add new external Datasource modal in the Datasources menu under Settings and Administrator tabs.
    • 'Action type' and 'Target type' in the modal of Webhook actions under Settings tab.
    • 'Vertical' in the Client details modal under Administrator tab.
    • 'Next page' and 'When widget finishes' in the Content Editor.
    • 'Jump to Page' and 'Popup' in the Edit touch events section of Text widgets.
    • 'Jump on end' in the action modal of Videos widget, Image gallery, and Contents widget.
  • Fixed a bug where the webhook action modal in the settings could only show up to 10 simple loops in the dropdown.
  • Fixed a bug where the "Switch to client" buttons did not work in the loop and schedule menus under Administrator tab.
  • Fixed an issue where paginations on the home screen appeared when there were less than 10 units in the section.
  • Fixed an issue where the preview images did not refresh instantly on the home page.
  • Fixed a bug where the webhook action modal select dropdown search fields did not work.

Version 1.10.224

July 01, 2022


New features

  • Added 'Fine' repeating animation.
  • Added new icons for the weather widget.


  • Changed the content browser modal UI of the Contents widget to better suit multiple selections of the same contents.
  • Removed the ability to enter custom content id in the content browser modal for content and contents widgets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the weather widget menu couldn't be shown in the editor in certain contents.
  • Fixed an issue where the Content list in the schedule repeatables was not sorted alphabetically.
  • Fixed an issue where the HDMI input was removed from the overlay page when the content was swapping page.
  • Fixed an issue where the table widget pagination did not work properly.
  • Fixed pagination and other issues with the table widget.
  • Fixed an issue where deleting a content from the list of the Contents widget in the content browser modal removed all instances of that content if it was added multiple times.
  • Fixed an issue where an empty image folder could break the loop and get stuck on the first slide.
    • Now the displayer completely skips the slide if it is an empty folder.
  • Fixed a bug where the Loop displayer always used an external player for videos.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the Loop displayer failed to start videos or started them very late.
  • Fixed an issue where images could render distorted in the loop displayer.


New features

  • Added file type checking during file uploading to the backend.
  • Device info modal now shows the Giada device id if the device is flashed with Wallboard firmware.
  • Added pagination to the Home page.


  • Users now cannot import more than one content at once.
  • Removed the Client input field from the Add license order modal in the Settings because it was a read-only trivial field.
  • Updated the device outdated icon with a friendlier appearance and tooltip.
    • Pressing the icon now sends down an update screen command to the device.
  • Changed the appearance and content of the Alert history modal.
    • Now it shows information about the current alert.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Analytics page did not show the selected screens after navigating from the Home page.
  • Fixed an issue where the customer log showed 'null' instead of 'root' when the root screen group was modified (for example, a screen was moved into the root group).
  • Fixed an issue where the Datasources table could not be sorted on the Administrator page.
  • Fixed an issue where the assigned ribbon on contents, loops, and schedules did not appear when assigned to the screen with drag and drop.

Version 1.10.201

June 02, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Call API response action modal did not open.
  • Fixed an issue where picking new files for the image gallery widget failed if the randomize order option was turned on.
  • Fixed an issue where the table widget manual pagination did not work.
  • Fixed an issue where the pagination delay on the table widget could not be set to zero.
  • Fixed an issue where the media widget did not load new data after switching pages in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where new media files appeared in the media widget when it was turned off.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where screens disappeared on the Home page after moving a screen into a group.
  • Fixed an issue where the Customer settings section could not be saved in System settings under the Administrator menu.

Version 1.10.196

May 30, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where font families sometimes did not appear in the font family input fields in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where widgets were served with the wrong URL of template files in the editor. This did not affect the displayer.
  • Fixed an issue where Call API success and unsuccess response reactions did not execute actions.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting a custom font through the add button resulted in an invalid content save.
  • Fixed an issue where new images did not appear in the media widget.
  • Fixed an issue where the media widget cut off longer texts.
  • Fixed an issue where the folder-bound videos widget never played the first video.
  • Fixed an issue where the page overlay could be displayed over itself in the editor.
  • Fixed an issue where the videos widget could get stuck in a restart loop if a video did not exist on the server anymore.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting image(s) or video(s) for adding content pages did not work properly.
  • Fixed an issue where the video gallery could not start the playback of videos at certain points.
  • Fixed an issue where downloading fresh folder content would always instruct the video gallery to restart playback.
  • Fixed an issue where image, video, and image folder input fields did not work in layouts.


  • Improved the template content custom font loading speed.


New features

  • Added rapid preview function to the device context menu and device info modal.
    • When turned on, the device uploads previews rapidly for a limited time.
  • Added download high-resolution preview function to the device info modal.
    • When used, the device uploads a high-resolution preview image and it is automatically downloaded to your PC.


  • Changed the "See logs" hidden UI element rule to also depend on the "See settings" rule.
  • Changed the hidden UI element rule "See advanced content settings" to not hide the following: system pages, custom widgets, dynamic charts, interaction widgets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue that caused the file and file folder picker to not work properly in the table editor of internal datasources.
  • Fixed an issue where resetting the concurrent license limitation to 0 caused the devices to show the overlay.
  • Fixed an issue where dropdowns, in general, could not show the previously selected value in certain cases.
  • Fixed an issue where selecting folders in the file modal did not work.

Version 1.10.183

May 05, 2022



  • Improved the 'Add full screen image page' and 'Add full screen video page' functions
  • Changed the input field that opens the file manager to a Select button
  • Add full screen video page can now insert multiple pages to the content if more than one video is selected

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the size and position of the content widget were not correct if the widget size is smaller than the content size
  • Fixed an issue where content synchronization worked incorrectly inside contents
  • Fixed an issue where the content widget displayed only one of its pages if both the child and the parent content contain more than one page and the synchronization is turned on
  • Fixed an issue where the external video players were not removed if placed in a contents widget
  • Fixed an issue where the displayer ordered Brightsign devices to cache webhook API calls with GET method and caused the webhook to be triggered twice
  • Fixed an issue where custom fonts inside template contents were loaded on incorrectly generated URLs
  • Fixed an issue where the popup created by widget click action was not centered on the screen
  • Fixed an issue where if you had touch action on a checkbox and the content contained a table widget, the checkbox action did not execute
  • Fixed an issue where if you had more table widgets with one datasource and executed an action that scrolls a specific one, it caused all table widgets to get stuck
  • Fixed Call API action backward compatibility
  • Fixed an issue where paginating table widget automatically or manually with actions did not work
  • Fixed an issue where the audio elements were not removed properly on slide change and stacked audio players until the browser was not able to initialize more, which caused the upcoming audio files to not be played


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where if a webhook changed an internal data source more than once in one second and a device immediately downloaded the data source after each webhook trigger, it caused the displayer to show outdated data

Version 1.10.164

April 13, 2022



  • Scroll widget now accepts application/atom+xml type as RSS

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where changing the content/loop in the Content widget, with One page turned on, did not reset the page dropdown field properly
  • Fixed a bug where popups always appeared in the top-left corner of the screen if the popup size is less than 100%
  • Fixed call API action type falsely changing itself to POST from GET
  • Fixed content generation based on data row with table widget not recognizing sub data rows
  • Fixed an issue with data-bound text widgets not refreshing when connected datasource changes to empty
  • Fixed an issue where the loop stuck on a plain gray slide if there were no available slides to display because the balance of the advertiser sold out
  • Fixed an issue where the client filter showed fewer clients on the License orders and Screen licenses menu in the Administrator tab


New features

  • Added the concurrent license limitation feature
  • Added a new counter to the Screens menu under the Settings tab that represents the currently active contents and the maximum concurrent limitation.
    • This only appears if the Concurrent license limitation is set on the client.


  • Removed the Sign-up option from the login page

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where old LG and Samsung installations got their platform type stuck as 'Android'

Version 1.10.145

March 30, 2022


Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the image gallery randomizer function did not randomize the images correctly
  • Fixed an issue where sometimes a grey line appeared below stream widgets


New features

  • Added a cleanup migration for stored files that are not present in the database

Bug fixes

  • Modal design and broken input field issue fixes
    • Fixed the date input fields of the Edit file validity modal
    • Fixed the design of the Audience statistics modal
    • Fixed and changed the design of the Set automatic reboot modal
    • Fixed the design of the License orders modal which appears for network owners
    • Fixed and changed the design of the folder list in the Edit file upload webhook modal

Version 1.10.140

March 23, 2022



  • Optimized and fixed bugs regarding data source binding and changed WebSocket message
  • Only play feature now accepts reverse time intervals
  • Users can now set time intervals like "from 22:00 until 04:00" for the only play feature

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where the Videos widget stopped playing after the last video if the widget was embedded with the Content or Contents widget


New features

  • Added hide advanced event features option to Hidden UI elements settings
    • Sets the default value of the 'Simplified view' option to be turned on in the action modals
  • Added hide interactions and animations options to Hidden UI elements settings
    • Hide the interactions and animations property sections of widgets
  • Added data row function for LG devices. Works only with LG application version or newer
  • Added options for team owners to limit resource creation of their team members inside their accessible folders and groups
  • Editor users can now see devices on the summary page
  • Users can now create multiple pages with the Add full screen image page function if they select multiple images in the file manager

Version 1.10.97

February 22, 2022


New features

  • Added the Media widget
    • This new widget can display the texts, images, and videos of live data sources, loop slides, and external data sources.
  • Added the Power BI widget
    • This new widget can display dashboards and tiles made in Power BI.
  • Added generic sensor command option to the action designer
    • Contents can now send out generic sensor events to the devices.
  • Added a brand new Content picker for Content and Contents widgets
  • Added data source mappers to the editor
  • Added option for loop layout boxes


  • Completely reworked the data source handling for better performance
  • Improved the Call API action with new options
    • Added new request methods (HEAD, POST, DELETE, PUT, PATCH)
    • Added timeout and response handling
  • Changed the font picker to a brand new one for more comfortable usage


New features

  • Added live data sources to easily display world news with the new Media widget, for example
  • Added Synchronize shared folder webhook
    • This new webhook triggers a synchronize command on the target shared folder.
  • Added File upload webhook
    • Users can upload Base64 encoded images with the webhook.
  • File usage in contents and a duplicates counter are now listed for every file in the Files menu under Settings
  • Added a new indicator for devices on the Home screen that shows if a new version is available and an update is required
  • The server can now cache external files from data sources if set up
    • Images on external URLs are now cached by the server, and the images are served out with internal URLs toward the contents.
  • Added content usage checking upon file or data source delete
    • The system now shows a notification if the file or data source that the user wants to delete is used in content.
  • Added duplication check upon file upload
    • When the user tries to upload a file, a new modal appears if the system finds a duplicate already uploaded to the system.
  • Added an automatic file clean-up option for files with expired validity


  • Re-designed system emails
    • Including the 'reset password', 'forgot password', 'user removal', 'successful register', and the 'administrator has been modified' emails.
  • Improved the mail sending service
    • Added a new domain checking to prevent email sending to non-existing domains.
  • Improved some of the modal designs for better usage
    • Including the edit file quick filter modal, all data source modals, all event action modals, audience statistics modal, edit webhook modals.
  • Optimized the cloud folder synchronization for better performance
  • Optimized the file folder synchronization for better performance
  • Quick filter folders displayed on screens will now refresh on change
    • The server notifies the displayer about the changes made in the quick filter folder. For example, when the user uploads or deletes an image from the filtered folder, the displayer will be notified about the change, and the connected widgets will show the new images.
  • Improved the file upload process to prevent huge uploads from failing
  • Improved the device metric upload handling to prevent server errors if the uploaded metric JSON is too long and the server cannot receive it.