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Form app

This article introduces you to our custom Form app and its core features.


The Form app is deployed to customer servers per request. To learn more contact our support at!

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What is form?

With the Form custom app you can create highly customizable forms that you can deploy to various kiosk interfaces to collect the necessary information from people. You can fully tailor the 20+ available input types to your needs whether you want to collect information during an ordering process, collect email addresses for a newsletter or just simply create a customer feedback form.


To utilize the functions of the Form app you first need to create a mock datasource that will serve as a "virtual database" so all data submitted via the forms can be stored or passed over to a third party system. To create a mock datasource navigate to Content > Base data path > Edit mock datasources. You can create a more complex structure or just use a simple {"fields":[]} json data format.

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Values are stored as text or number, images are stored in base64. If you choose to use complex export type, ALL parameters from the form widget will be stored like minimum/maximum range along with the actual value provided by the user.

Setting up the widget

After creating the mock datasource you need to select a form widget and bind a datasource as output.

  • Form output: This is the mock datasource your form outputs all its data into. form3.png

What to do with the collected data?

The collected data can be passed onto a third party system or inserted into an internal datasource.

  • To send the data to a third party set up a Call API action with the POST method and specify the name of your mock datasource in a Data field. Some useful third party services we recommend for processing your data and creating automations: N8N, Google Apps Script.


  • To insert your data into a datasource create an Insert to internal datasource array action.


Form types


With the checkbox type form you can select multiple items at once from a list. In the settings you can set the given items and have some general formatting options.

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Value input

With the card type form you can input credit card details: name, card number, expiration and CVC.

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With the label type form you can display a value that was entered into a form widget on a different page of your content.

General settings

  • General settings: Specify the name your widget will be stored as in the database, set a placeholder, set alignment, choose whether the field is required or not and show or hide the placeholder label.
  • Font settings: Set a font family, font size, style and color.
  • Error settings: Show or hide validation and error messages, set alignment and colors for them.
Please note

This custom app is under active development and any information in this documentation could be inaccurate or outdated! If you have any questions please contact our support at