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Page Controller menu

Enables filtering and searching of devices.


  • In the Searchbar, you can search by name to find the desired device.




    • Select a Quick-filter that is applied on the devices - More about Quick filter

    • You can select a Starting folder to filter only the devices under these folders or inside the folders under the selected target

      • You have to enable Search in child folder for recursive search)
    • You can add extra filtering options that exactly match or contain the characters to narrow the search results.

      • Add Filter
      • Name
      • Content
      • Tags
      • Teams
      • Online state
      • Platform
      • Working hours
      • App version
      • Emergency status
      • OS version
      • License
      • License tier
      • License status
      • Content type
      • Firmware version
      • Layout
      • Version state
      • Model


Knowledge base

  • The icon will open the affected knowledge base article.


Change view

You can select which layout you wish to see your contents:

  • Card view
  • List view
  • Table view
  • Map view

You can change to TABLE VIEW, which will list you all contents you have

  • Available information columns by default

    • State
    • Name
    • Folder
    • Assigned content
    • Platform
    • App version
    • License tier
    • Tags
    • Uptime
    • Last activity
    • Actions
  • Optional

    You can set the optional columns to display information in the ⚙️ menu

    • Preview
    • Last status change
    • License status
    • Model
    • Install date
    • Comissioning date
    • Replacement date
    • Layout
    • Cores
    • Emergency state
    • Emergency content
    • Edge server
    • Brightness level
    • Volume level
    • IP address
    • Local IP address
    • MAC address
    • Content type
    • Assign date
    • Enabled console
    • Enabled name
    • Device ID
    • Sensor config
    • Type
    • Country
    • City
    • Native resolution
    • Native resolution width
    • Native resolution height
    • Network interface
    • OS version
    • Firmware version
    • Web resolution
    • GPU info
    • Locked
    • Rooted
    • WebView version
    • Comment
    • Location
  • Available actions by default

    • Details
      This will navigate to Details tab of the selected device
    • Settings
      This will navigate to settings on the Details tab of the selected device
    • Assign content
      Here you can select the content, loop or schedule to assign it to the device.
    • Update
      With this option you can update your device.
    • Refresh content
      Here you can refresh the content, loop or schedule that is assigned to the device.
    • Download device logs
      Here you can download device logs - More about device logs
  • Optional actions you can set


    • Rename
      Here you can rename your device
    • Unassign content
      Here you can unassign the content,loop or schedule from the device.
    • Move to folder
      With this option you can move your device to a folder, or move back to the root.
    • Restart
      With this option you can restart your device.
    • Rapid preview
      With this option you can create screenshots faster from your device. - More about rapid preview
    • Load page
      Send an url to the device via load url then the device will display it.
    • Manage tags
      In this modal you can assign tags to your device for future filtering.
    • Manage Teams
      Here you can select teams to manage and see the device
      This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.
    • Clear cache
      Removes unused files from the device in order to free up storage
    • Remove



With the Reset config button you can revert the columns to their default display.