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Page Controller menu

Enables filtering and searching of playlists, contents, and schedules, facilitating streamlined navigation and management of relevant items.


What can you do here

  • You can filter whether you wish to see everything inside contents or just one of the content type

    • All
    • Playlists
    • Contents
    • Schedules
  • In the searchbar you can choose between typing names or searching by tags

    • Name
    • Tag
  • With the button you can refresh the content list

  • You can get Proof of play data from everything

    • this will navigate you to the Proof of play page where you can get the report from the specific content
  • If you click on the symbol you can download csv data from everything

  • The icon will open the affected knowledge base article.

  • You can select which layout you wish to see your contents:

    • Card view
    • List view


  • you can change to Table view, which will list you all contents you have

    • Available information columns by default

      • Type
      • Name
      • Last saved by
      • Last saved
      • Tags
      • Preview
    • Optional

      You can set the optional columns to display information in the ⚙️ menu

      • Display time
      • Usage in contents
      • Comment
      • Content folder name
      • locked
      • Short URL
      • Icon URL
      • Tag count
      • Actions
    • Available actions by default

      • Details
        This will navigate to Details tab of the selected Playlist / Content / Schedule
      • Preview in browser
        With this option you can open your Playlist / Content / Schedule in browser.
      • Edit content
        This action will allow you to edit the selected Playlist / Content / Schedule
      • Rename
        Here you can rename your Playlist / Content / Schedule.
      • Assign to device
        Here you can select the device or device folder where you wish to assign the Playlist / Content / Schedule.
    • Optional actions you can set

      • Duplicate
        With this option you can duplicate your Playlist / Content / Schedule.

        Phe duplicated playlist will be named after the original playlist and extended with the -copy tag in the name.

          Original playlist name: happyPlaylist
          Duplicated playlist name: happyPlaylist-copy
      • Export
        With this option you can export your Content / Playlist into a .zip, this way you can create backup saves and you can easily move and share your content.


        Schedules cannot be exported.

      • Browser Signage Url
        Here you can generate Browser Signage Url and Short Url for your Playlist / Content / Schedule to play in browser.


        This method requires Browser Session License, otherwise the preview will stop after 15 minute.

      • Move to folder
        With this option you can move your Playlist / Content / Schedule to a folder, or move back to the root.
      • Manage tags
        In this modal you can assign tags to your Playlist / Content / Schedule for future filtering.
      • Manage Teams
        Here you can select teams to manage and see the Playlist / Content / Schedule
        This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.
      • Remove
        Here you can remove your Playlist / Content / Schedule.


        Assigned, embedded, and used Playlist / Content / Schedule cannot be deleted!

        If an item cannot be deleted, it is being used in at least one of the following cases:

        • Used in schedule
        • Used as campaign / channel
        • Used as embedded playlist / content
        • Assigned to a device
        • Locked

With the Reset config button you can revert the columns to their default display.