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Context menu

Context menu on Playlist / Content / Schedule

  • A menu that provides options for managing or interacting with Playlist, Content, or Schedule items within a specific context, typically offering actions like editing, deleting, or viewing details.


Context menu on Playlist / Content / Schedule

DetailsRenameAssign to devicePreview in browserDuplicateExportBrowser Signage UrlMove to folderManage tagsManage teamsLock/UnlockRemove
  • Details
    This will navigate to Details tab of the selected Playlist / Content / Schedule
  • Rename
    Here you can rename your Playlist / Content / Schedule.
  • Assign to device
    Here you can select the device or device folder where you wish to assign the Playlist / Content / Schedule.
  • Preview in browser
    With this option you can open your Playlist / Content / Schedule in browser.
  • Duplicate
    With this option you can duplicate your Playlist / Content / Schedule.

    Phe duplicated playlist will be named after the original playlist and extended with the -copy tag in the name.

      Original playlist name: happyPlaylist
      Duplicated playlist name: happyPlaylist-copy
  • Export
    With this option you can export your Content / Playlist into a .zip, this way you can create backup saves and you can easily move and share your content.


    Schedules cannot be exported.

  • Browser Signage Url
    Here you can generate Browser Signage Url and Short Url for your Playlist / Content / Schedule to play in browser.


    This method requires Browser Session License, otherwise the preview will stop after 15 minute.

  • Move to folder
    With this option you can move your Playlist / Content / Schedule to a folder, or move back to the root.
  • Manage tags
    In this modal you can assign tags to your Playlist / Content / Schedule for future filtering.
  • Manage Teams
    Here you can select teams to manage and see the Playlist / Content / Schedule
    This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.
  • Lock/Unlock
    Here you can lock and unlock your Playlist / Content / Schedule.
  • Remove
    Here you can remove your Playlist / Content / Schedule.


    Assigned, embedded, and used Playlist / Content / Schedule cannot be deleted!

    If an item cannot be deleted, it is being used in at least one of the following cases:

    • Used in schedule
    • Used as campaign / channel
    • Used as embedded playlist / content
    • Assigned to a device
    • Locked


Context menu on Content folder / Local template folder

      Rename      Move to folderLock / unlock contentsChange folder type    Manage teams          Remove      
Content folder - regular folder✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
Content folder - local template folder ✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️✔️
  • Rename
    Here you can rename your folder.
  • Move to folder
    With this option you can move your folder to another, or move back to the root.
  • Lock/Unlock contents
    Here you can lock and unlock your contents inside the folder.
  • Change folder type
    Here you can change your folder type to Local template folder ,all contents inside the folder will become templates, and will appear in the Template selector as Private templates.

    If you disable this function, your folder status will change back to normal content folder, and the contents inside will not be shown in the Private template tab.

      Whether you enable or disable this option the folder's icon will be different.
  • Manage Teams
    Here you can select teams to manage and see the folder
    This option is only available if the customer has at least one team available.
  • Remove
    Here you can remove your folder.
Schedules and Playlist cannot be moved to Local template groups!!