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Device System datasource

Device type system datasource is a datasource generated by Wallboard that contains all the information about your assigned devices.

Resulting datasource properties

Add a name to your datasource

Select Device type

Restrict resulting datasource to teams
If you select a team, the team member will only see the devices that are accessible for them.

Maximum element count
Here you can define the number of files you want to see in this datasource. Maximum value is 2500.

Quick filter properties

Folder/group to filter in
Here, you can select the folders you want to include in the data source.
Alternatively, you can leave it as is, and it will use as many devices as the maximum element count allows.

Search in child folders as well
Enabled by default. Here you can enable or disable recursion for data source creation.

Entity name contains
You can filter the resources, if you enter here something that the device name contains.

Has tags (separated by comma)
Add device tags to filter the selected devices

Restrict filter input by teams
Select which teams can access this datasource

How does a device type system datasource look like?

"totalSize": 11,
"size": 1,
"content": [
"id": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "device-name",
"comment": null,
"tags": "[\"tag1\",\"tag2\"]",
"deviceStatus": "OFFLINE",
"type": "SCREEN",
"platform": "BRIGHTSIGN",
"version": "x.y.zzz",
"customerId": xyz,
"lastDeviceStatusChange": 1717160189000,
"deviceInfo": {
"other": {
"brand": "server-wallboard-info",
"debug": false,
"locked": false,
"lastStartTime": "2024-05-31T12:48:45.286Z",
"firmwareStatus": "SUPPORTED",
"webViewVersion": "Chrome/87"
"general": {
"model": "HD1135",
"version": "x.y.zzz",
"hostname": "hostname",
"platform": "PLATFORM",
"wifiSSID": "",
"fwVersion": "x.y.zzz.00",
"osVersion": "x.y.zz",
"versionCode": "xxxxxx",
"serialNumber": "xxxxxxxxxxx",
"webResolution": "1920x1080",
"nativeResolution": "1920x1080"
"metrics": {
"cpu": {
"cores": x,
"threads": x,
"description": "unknown"
"network": [
"ip": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"mac": "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"name": "eth",
"type": "eth"
"screens": [
"used": true,
"scaling": 1,
"resolution": "1920x1080",
"displayName": "HDMI-1"
"storage": [
"type": "internal",
"mount": "/storage",
"capacity": 15922626560
"maxMemory": 2044723200
"previewUri": "/api/store/customer/xxxx/device/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/preview.jpg"
"numberOfOnlineDevices": 4,
"numberOfOfflineDevices": 7