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Campaign FAQ and Troubleshooting

Can I remove the loops, contents, messages or media files after the campaign/message expired?

You cannot remove loops, contents, messages or media files that are assigned to campaigns/ messages.
If you wish to remove them, you have to delete the campaign/message where you use them.


Where can I check what is playing inside my campaign widget?

You can check the actual playlist on a device with right-click then Statistics >> Campaign playlist snapshot

You can read about this in these articles:

Why use campaigns? - Campaign playlist snapshot
Device management - How to access campaign playlist snapshot


Can I edit a campaign that expired?

The campaigns are fully reusable. You can edit them whenever it is necessary.

You can read about this in these articles:

How to use Only play


Where can I see if my campaign has expired or paused?

You can track the campaign's activity status with the icons without opening the campaign modal.

You can read about this in these articles:

Campaign status indicator


Can I choose a content that contains campaign widget as a content for a campaign?

If your chosen content contains campaign widget, it will not play inside the campaign.


If you have any specific questions with campaigns, contact us at