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Version 1.9.128



  • The Only play feature now accepts reversed time intervals (e.g., from 22:00 to 04:00)



  • Removed the 'clientName' column from the CSV export of Users due to duplication

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where administrators could not remove clients from the server due to existing teams
  • Fixed a bug where users could not create a schedule with a default content that is placed in a content group

Version 1.9.127


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug that caused infinite loading when saving the loop
  • Fixed a bug regarding loop slide preview creation


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding SMS alerting

Version 1.9.124



  • Improved the Alerting function
  • Fixed a few bugs regarding mail and SMS sending
  • Optimizations

Version 1.9.122


New features

  • Call API functions are now enabled in browser signage and previews if the session is unauthorized
  • Added 'end' event reporting for empty loops


  • Temporarily removed the 'Edit end actions' button from the properties of the Content widget
  • Improved the sound slides in Loops
  • Added a keepalive for the audio in Loops
  • Improved the slide removal in Loops

Bug fixes

  • Fixed and improved the weather service



  • Reworked the content and loop short URLs
  • Changed the short URL generation
  • Added short URL option for Browser signage
  • Improved the CSV exporting feature

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the 'Creating new Google Spreadsheet' function was not working properly

Version 1.9.119


New features

  • Added a new parameter for Start application action
  • Added Pin code support for browser sessions


  • Removed the Mapwize widget from the widget list in Editor

Bug fixes

  • Fixed additional bugs in the Only play function in Loop



  • Improved the statistic and data exporting to CSV
  • Added new CSV export functions for screens, datasources, contents
  • Reworked the previous CSV exporting methods

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where creating Google Spreadsheet was not working

Version 1.9.106



  • Loop displayed will now send end event when the loop is empty

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where anchor points were not appearing in the set custom resolution modal when users wanted to extend the content size
  • Fixed bugs in the videos widget regarding on end events with external video player
  • Fixed a bug that caused endless loading after saving the loop
  • Fixed a bug regarding the sound slide audio playtime displaying


Bug fixes

  • Fixed several minor UI bugs
  • Fixed a bug where some Admin users were not able to create system-wide datasources
  • Fixed a bug where the role of users created from SSO could not be changed

Version 1.9.99


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the jump on end function was not working properly on the Content widget
  • Fixed bugs regarding playing audio slides in Loop



  • Adjusted the data gathering from Google spreadsheets to match the changed API

Bug fixes

  • Fixed the error handling of the statistics aggregation
  • Fixed a few bugs regarding the hide UI elements feature

Version 1.9.96



  • Image gallery now accepts folder ID as data binding

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the When widget ends page switch function was not working properly if it was bound to an image gallery with only one or two images
  • Fixed a bug where the widget properties, after adding a new image or video page to content, did not show the source of the automatically created widget properly
  • Fixed a bug that caused the placeholder of the Youtube widget to appear below the playing video
  • Fixed a bug regarding data row switching in one-page content widgets with interact widget actions
  • Fixed a bug in the weather widget which caused malfunctions on devices with browser version 44 or lower


Bug fixes

  • Fixed appearance issues in Active browser session menu
  • Fixed appearance issues of shared folders and folder menus in the File manager
  • Fixed a bug in the team selector on the create new Google Spreadsheet modal

Version 1.9.92


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Time-based events were incorrectly triggered after a content refresh


New features

  • Webhook JSON selector now supports arrays


  • Small improvements were made in the Json manager of Internal data source
  • Added export and import feature to the Json manager which allows users to download their datasource and modify it in a .tsv file and upload it back
  • Changed the design of the Google credential authenticate button

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where setting buttons appeared for newly created and not saved teams
  • Fixed a bug in the Analytics device uptime chart
  • Fixed a bug where the target folder selector of the quick filter folder did not list all available folders
  • Fixed a bug where set rapid preview mode was not properly sent through DMS
  • Fixed a bug in the create new Google Spreadsheet modal

Version 1.9.87


New features

  • Added weather events (cycle end event) to weather widget
  • Added copy-paste widget style function to the editor
  • Added customScriptAPI functions to move and resize external players on Android screens


  • Improved and fixed bugs in the Weather widget

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs in data picker popups
  • Fixed a bug where content only play was not working properly in a few cases
  • Fixed a bug regarding displaying Videos widgets
  • Fixed a memory leak in the Content widget
  • Fixed a bug where day slide boxes of the only play function on a slide were not clickable properly
  • Fixed a bug where slide boxes in the loop editor settings were not clickable properly


New features

  • Added refresh as an option to interact with the table widget
  • Added "Delete from datasource by key" webhook type
  • Added Internal datasource manipulating webhooks
  • Added Two-factor authentication option for user login


  • Improved and fixed bugs in the Simple Json manager

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the email address data field could be modified in the Edit user popup
  • Fixed a bug where the name input field was not a required field in the Create external data source popup
  • Fixed a bug regarding screen and content rename validation
  • Fixed the tooltip of the SA column in the User table on the Administrator tab
  • Fixed a bug when Technician users navigated to the Settings menu, an empty page was loaded
  • Fixed the dropdown visibility of the Team selector in popups
  • Fixed a bug where opening the online image browser did not clear previously selected files in the File manager
  • Fixed a bug where refreshing the file list in the Settings Files menu sent duplicated requests to the server

Version 1.9.69


New features

  • Replaced the city input field with separate city code, city name, and country-code inputs in the weather widget
  • Added regex no match evaluation option to actions


  • Slide only play values are now interpreted if the first value is bigger than the second (for example From 20:00 to 06:00)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs regarding the weather widget
  • Fixed a bug regarding the adobe widget
  • Fixed a bug where the adjust page duration to video duration function was not working
  • Fixed a bug where setting only play to midnight caused the slide to not be displayed


New features

  • Added XHR long polling as fallback transport protocol if WebSocket is not working properly in the Editor Web UI


  • Added a pre-check redirection to the login page if a user who belongs to a white-labeled customer tries to log in from the original domain
  • Improved and fixed bugs in the Simple Json manager
  • Reworked the popup module
  • Design modifications
  • Input field changes

Bug fixes

  • WebSocket security improvements
  • Fixed a bug where form data was not reported correctly through DMS
  • Fixed a bug where the Set brightness popup did not appear after gathering the data from the device
  • Fixed a bug where the user was not able to fill the webhook parameter column
  • Fixed a bug where the Platform column showed wrong data, in the list view of screens under Settings
  • Fixed a bug where license packages could not be assigned to network owners
  • Fixed a bug regarding the pagination on Logs menus
  • Fixed bugs in advertiser history aggregation

Version 1.9.55


Bug fixes

  • Fixed hide widget based on not being able to bind to null
  • Fixed a few bugs regarding font-family selector in the editor, and content importing with custom font families
  • Fixed a bug regarding the loop editor help link
  • Fixed bugs regarding media and slide statistic reporting
  • Fixed a bug where WebSocket in loops was not working
  • Fixed a bug where the resume loop icon was not appearing


New features

  • Added a select customer button to the Active browser sessions menu under Administrator
  • Added white label option for cloud URLs


  • Improved and fixed several bugs in the advertiser feature
  • Added aggregation of advertiser history data
  • Added a date picker to the advertiser history download modal to let users see the data only between a time interval
  • Folder slide charge will only charge when the last item of the folder ended displaying
  • Added a clear advertiser history button to the Settings menu
  • Extended the device Move to server function
  • Now an install rule key can be added to the Move to server command to instantly assign the moving device to a customer
  • Now devices can only move to another server if it was previously whitelisted on the destination server

Version 1.9.40


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs regarding media and slide time reporting in loops
  • Fixed a bug where the Start and Stop loop webhooks were not working


New features

  • Added new hide options to the Hide UI function
  • Added a time interval option to the download advertiser history modal
  • Added a retention policy for advertiser history changed to 3 months
  • Added an advertiser history remove button


  • Optimized the advertiser function

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding the Spreadsheet datasource creation
  • Fixed bugs regarding the Hide UI function
  • Fixed bugs regarding the advertiser function and history
  • Fixed a bug where importing content with custom fonts showed the ID of the file in the font family list instead of its name
  • Fixed a bug regarding DMS server WebSocket communication with the displayer

Version 1.9.23


New features

  • Content widgets can now be merged into the parent content. Most connected data bindings, events, etc will be included
  • Added Before scheduled end event type for page change events


  • Various data binding, event/action improvements
  • Added change content widget data row function by an event
  • Event/action dialog now indicates origin (e.g. Sensor event on Default page / Content wide batch action (with batch name) / ...)
  • Improved the content page creation
  • Users can now create a full-screen image/video page from the create page modal
  • Users can now create a new page by Drag&drop the image/video to the add page button
  • Users can now create a new page with a page of a template from the create page modal
  • Extended HDMI input to support Windows devices.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs regarding data binding, events, and actions


New features

  • Added a new, more functional user permission system
  • Added an overlay for preview after timeout/when offline
  • Added an overlay for browser signage when not allowed (no license, banned session, etc.)
  • Added a new menu for browser sessions under the Screens menu in Administrator and Settings
  • Added image crop/resize function to the File Manager
  • Added online image selector to the File Manager
  • Added RSS datasource type
  • Loops and Schedules can now be placed inside groups and have tags applied to them, and are able to be searched by tags.


  • Modified the privileges of some user roles
  • Content/loop analyzer can now be accessed by Approver and Editor role users.