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Version 1.8.163


New features

  • Added HDMI in support for Windows client.
  • Videos widget (Video gallery) is now able to track the bound folder and display newly added videos.


  • Removed the loading icon when the folder attached to an image gallery changed data.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding Table widget sort function.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the weather widget.


New features

  • Added Desktop broadcaster application license type.
  • Added Wake up, Snooze, Show toast message, Increase value in datasource, and Decrease value in datasource webhooks.


  • Added a max length for device license names.
  • Changed the default sorted column to last activity on Settings Datasources, Superadmin Customer, Datasource, and User menus.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding popups on Chrome v.90.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the change user pin code modal.
  • Fixed a bug regarding WebSocket connections with DMS servers.

Version 1.8.158


Bug fixes

  • Fixed bugs regarding the weather widget.
  • Fixed a bug where animating widgets did not appear on Windows devices when they display the first page the first time.
  • Fixed a bug where the editor accepted empty duration for pages.


New features

  • Devices can now be sorted by their version number in Settings and Administrator menus.
  • Added browser session table to Contents menu under Administrator tab. Here, administrators can check how many previews are open currently and for how long.


  • Minor modifications for the new request license menu.
  • Removed the BCC option from Mail settings in System Settings.
  • Minor format changes on the date and time columns on Administrator and Settings tables.

Version 1.8.143


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding displaying Custom fonts.
  • Fixed a few bugs regarding datasources and data binding.


New features

  • System emails are now changing based on the white label settings.


  • Added modifications and bug fixes for the new request license menu.
  • While creating a datasource, the system will now require selecting a Client if the system-wide option is turned off.

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding dropdown icons in a few menus.

Version 1.8.133



  • Added small text and button height modifications in the Base data picker modal.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding the Youtube widget.



  • Added modifications and bug fixes for the new request license menu.

Version 1.8.132


New features

  • Added an option to translate image widgets, same as text widgets.
  • Added internal datasources.
  • Custom widgets (n8n) can now be private, only available to selected customers.
  • Datasource now supports additional HTTP settings.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed hide table row based on filter not working with evaluate against data field.
  • Fixed a bug regarding selecting a new font family on different widgets.
  • Fixed a bug where other pages did not appear in the page list of Page wide events, only the currently modified.
  • Fixed and optimized the event handling of the screen saver interruption, Return to default function, and some other minor features.
  • Fixed a bug where previous datasource data was loaded in on some devices because it started without an internet connection.
  • Fixed sent fields deep in table data picker.
  • Fixed translate widgets in content image pickers.
  • Fixed image picker tooltips.


New features

  • Added translation synchronization. New translations will be automatically downloaded and added to the server every hour.
  • Added a new License request menu where administrators can request more licenses for their server.
  • Added JDBC datasources.


  • Changed user and customer last activity and usage time calculations.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where users were not able to create a webhook API key in some cases.

Version 1.8.111



  • Removed the option to add Custom font families in loop editor as the loop displayer never supported this feature before.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding removing external stream players.
  • Fixed a bug where the clock widget in loops was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where the font family of the clock widget was not saved and did not change on devices.
  • Fixed a bug where assigning a loop, that contains a layout with an empty video source, to a screen threw an Internal server error.
  • Fixed a bug where the font family dropdown was missing the Recent category, populated by your most recent choices.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the context menu of devices disappeared when the device uploaded a new preview image.

Version 1.8.108


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where some custom font families were not working properly.
  • Fixed the fallback language of the Loop date picker. In some cases, the date picker appeared with Russian translation.
  • Fixed a bug where some images had no preview in the loop editor.



  • Duplicate content function is now visible again if Create content is forbidden for the user. This hide option will be added separately in a later version.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding translate widgets in content dialog.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the clear automatic reboot function.
  • Fixed a bug regarding typing automatic reboot interval.

Version 1.8.106


New features

  • Table widget text type cells now support HTML.
  • Added new field types for "sent fields" (filtered datasource, automagical next data row, device info, file URL).
  • Evaluation rules can now compare data to other data fields or widgets' values.
  • Added content wide "Execute action batch" actions for reusability.
  • Added content wide table with all translatable widgets in one place to make translate text widgets easier.
  • Re-arranged the Table widget data picker.
  • Desktop Broadcaster app settings/show/hide from content (Static sensor or device output action).
  • Added new page change action type: Repeat.
  • Added "Ellipsis" option for text widgets with a max character limit.
  • Added Ctrl+Shift+E hotkey to instantly edit widget touch events.
  • Added "Call function" as evaluation type, sent field, value origin, and more.
  • Table row touch event call function has a second parameter now and it has rowIndex on it.
  • Added call displayerReady function on devices after sensor interface is ready.
  • Added screen on/off as device output action type.


  • Batch actions can now be delayed.
  • Popup open/close now run page change events.
  • Simplified view checkbox for event/action modals.
  • Custom widgets (n8n based) got more customizable with data pickers and custom settings modal options.
  • More places can use sent field values in texts like this: {fieldName} (text type data binding, interact with text widget, ...).
  • Datasource events can now subscribe to "any" change in a datasource, not just specific fields.
  • Reworked the page Only play function. Now the feature only depends on the time zone of the devices and works properly.
  • Reworked the services of periodically changing widgets like Weather and Gallery widgets.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the Clock widget showed a delayed time on devices.
  • Fixed a bug regarding timestamp-based filters of the Table widget.
  • Fixed a bug where Video and Videos widgets disappeared on the Overlay page.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the file folder picker, where if the user clicked the "Choose selected folder" button the system threw an error and did nothing.
  • Fixed a bug where file changes in the folder did not appear on devices.
  • Fixed a bug in layouts, where the background type always changed back to color type.
  • Fixed a bug in layouts where text appeared without line breaks.
  • Fixed a bug where duplicated layout slides got bad preview pictures.
  • Fixed a bug where if the background of a new slide was set as an empty image, saving the loop stuck.
  • Fixed a bug where the preview image of some layouts was empty.



  • Duplicate content function is now hidden if Create content is forbidden for the user.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where extra-wide templates appeared badly under the Administrator tab.
  • Fixed a bug regarding schedule repeatable.

Version 1.8.79


New features

  • Added Custom NodeJS script widget to loop layout.
  • Added a new layout with a full-screen box in Loop.


  • Reworked the WebSocket connections regarding loops.
  • Embed contents in loop layouts are now deprecated and cannot be selected as a type anymore.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the image gallery widget was not working if synchronization was turned on.
  • Fixed a bug where Brightsign devices did not cache folder-connected image gallery files.
  • Fixed a bug regarding multi-select widgets in the editor.
  • Fixed a bug where the image gallery widget did not load files from a folder in the editor.



  • Improved the performance of the DMS.
  • Temporarily removed the active screens tab in the Server nodes sub-menu under the Administrator menu.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where Windows, Samsung, LG, and Brightsign devices could not update the application if they were connected to DMS.
  • Fixed a bug where wrong button icons appeared on the Handled screen tab under Server Nodes sub-menu in the Administrator menu.
  • Fixed a bug where screen info appeared empty on the Unassigned screen and Server nodes sub-menu in the Administrator menu.
  • Fixed the name input focus of creating content and loop modal. Now the spinner will not steal the focus.
  • Fixed a bug where search fields were not working in the Server nodes sub-menu under the Administrator menu.
  • Fixed a bug where content, loop, and device menus were not working in the mobile view.

Version 1.8.67


New features

  • Added bearing and pitch options to Mapwize widget.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Facebook widget was not appearing if the content had multiple pages in the playlist.
  • Fixed edit mock data binding windows sometimes opening behind other windows.
  • Fixed datasource path to preserve in embed content widgets.
  • Fixed image widget with empty source not showing the file picker in the right-click menu.
  • Fixed a bug where navigating between the content editor and the summary caused multiple requests to be sent.


New features

  • Added an automatic distribution function for customers, which automatically moves the customer under a public DMS that has enough limit to accommodate all the devices the customer has.


  • Optimized the communication between DMS and the Master server.
  • Optimized RSS processing.
  • Optimized device metric data storing.
  • The server application now caches weather data for 15 minutes.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where weather data were not refreshing on DMS.
  • Fixed a bug where file folder change socket messages were not sent out if the file was moved to the folder and not uploaded.

Version 1.8.56


New Features

  • Added new image gallery control actions: swap forward, swap backward, and change folder.


  • Image gallery and Carousel widgets now refresh when new images are uploaded to the connected folder.
  • Improved on-screen keyboard and input fields.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where requests for datasource could be too long if it contained hundreds of data.
  • Fixed the design and functionality of the translate widget modal.
  • Fixed a bug where the animation was played on the first image in the image gallery widget.
  • Fixed a bug where the displayer was not sending events to the devices.
  • Fixed a bug where background audio was not played after saving the content.
  • Fixed a bug where synchronization was not working in schedules.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the external video player appearing on Brightsign devices if the video was in an embed loop.
  • Fixed a bug where the Content widget could be stuck on the last page of the embed content.
  • Fixed a bug where the displayer was not subscribing to embed loops through WebSocket.
  • Fixed a bug where users could not add static background images to loops.
  • Fixed a bug where the preview image of a duplicated layout slide was missing.
  • Fixed a bug where the loop editor was not saving the font family of the weather widget.
  • Fixed a bug where the loop displayer spammed stomp error if the device lost the internet connection.


New features

  • Added an option to install devices by their serial number.


  • Changed the error message when the user tries to log in via SSO but doesn't have a user in the system.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding moving a file to a folder in the file manager.
  • Fixed a bug regarding adding tags to files in the file manager.
  • Fixed a bug where online/offline indicators on device groups showed the total number wrong.
  • Fixed move to content group function for contents that are already in a content group.
  • Fixed device info not refreshing on clicking the device info menu.
  • Fixed a bug where after creating a new customer, the create modal did not disappear.
  • Fixed a bug where the save button was not working on the unassigned screen menu under the Administrator tab.
  • Fixed a bug where removing a customer was not doable in some cases.

Version 1.8.38


New features

  • Added new data binding and external event related features.


  • Added new RSS mime-types which the server accepts.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where content appeared black on Samsung screens.
  • Fixed a bug where saving a content freeze the browser if it contained text and scroll widgets with a lot of text.
  • Fixed a bug regarding the pause loop function.
  • Fixed a bug regarding processing font-families.


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where synchronized contents sometimes could not load in and showed black screen instead.
  • Fixed a bug where navigating to logs from the context menu of a device, content, or loop did not set the filter.
  • Fixed a bug where scrolling on the summary page was not working on the mobile view.
  • Fixed a bug regarding remove customer and user.

Version 1.8.31


New features*

  • Added video flip option for external video players.
  • Added duplicate hotkey to the editor (CTRL+D).

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug regarding the Scroll text widget, where the server did not accept a few RSS URL Mime types.
  • Fixed a bug where if the image gallery widget contained thousands of images it caused device crashes.
  • Fixed a bug where videos with 4K resolution appeared in 720p if they were not on the default page and were placed in the background.
  • Fixed a bug when removing an image from a layout and saving the loop caused infinite save process.
  • Fixed a bug regarding font families.


New features

  • Time thresholds of removing historical data are now configurable under the Administrator menu.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where the Contact us menu was not working.
  • Fixed a bug where loops did not appear alphabetically sorted on the Home page.
  • Fixed a bug where the Root screen group option appeared as "undefined" in the selector of the Remove screen group popup.
  • Fixed a bug where the version of the server nodes appeared wrong in the Server nodes menu under Administrator.
  • Fixed a minor bug regarding the delete license order popup of a network member.
  • Fixed a bug on the Invoicing sub-menu, when searching for a customer sometimes did not find random customers.
  • Fixed a bug regarding device and content paginations on the Home page.
  • Fixed a bug where assigning content from search results to a screen hid the search results.
  • Fixed a bug where enforce password change popup was not disappearing sometimes after a successful password change.

Version 1.8.19


New features

  • Added scroll widget and content widget jump on end functionality.
  • Added getContentProgressInfo function for clients, which response with which page the displayer is playing currently and for how long.
  • Added keep aspect ratio option to image gallery.
  • Added interactive option to the Youtube widget.
  • New widget added: Mapwize.
  • New notification added when page duration and animation duration conflicts.
  • Added randomize order option for galleries.
  • Added current state report of content to devices for audience measurement.
  • Users can now set certain pages of a content to only play on selected days, or hours.
  • Added limit access to an action in the displayer by requiring a PIN code authentication first.
  • Added "each data row" option to contents widget which appears if the child content contains datasource, and "different data rows" is turned on.
  • Added datapicker button to call API events, to include a data field value with the API call.
  • Added time-based event actions to content.
  • Added custom widget support to the editor.
  • Added custom format (moment.js) format options to clock widget.
  • Widgets on the overlay page now can be targeted by sensor events.
  • Added animate widget as an external event action type.
  • Added dual relay as new supported sensor type.
  • Added option to turn off overlay page on specific pages.
  • Added new touch and click sound.
  • Added hide widget sections and hide content/page properties sections function.
  • Added no line break option to text widgets.
  • Added clear button to content and contents widgets data row picker.
  • Added Before and After values to regexp type data text format options.
  • Added new touch sound options.
  • Added charge advertiser with slide duration for loop slides.
  • Added new slide-type to loop: Audio slide.
  • Added on scroll loading to loop editor's slide content manager.
  • Added bold, italic, and underline font style options to loop editor template slide text, weather and clock boxes.
  • Added getContentProgressInfo function for clients, which response with which slide the displayer playing currently and for how long.
  • Added current state report of loop to devices for audience measurement.


  • Changed playlist editor in content editor.
  • Moved video widget to Basic widgets group.
  • Changed the icons of all the widgets.
  • Moved connections section to a popup.
  • Changed design of the whole content editor.
  • Complete rework of the external event handling in the editor side. New GUI, new features.
  • Loop displayer now notify the device on slide change to create a screenshot for preview.
  • Migrated loop editor to angular 9 application.
  • Images, videos, loops, templates are now dynamically loaded on scrolling or window resizing.
  • Changed design of the whole loop editor.


New features

  • Added customer level white labeling.
  • Added summary devices list view in settings/devices.
  • Added password show/hide icon to log in, sign-up, reset password, administrator/user details, administrator/customer details, and settings/users.
  • On home remember which section the user collapsed, and which group the user opened.
  • Data picker shows with different background color when a path is not valid currently.
  • Added Content and loop analyzer functionality.
  • Added datasource change event webhook to custom reporting.
  • Added invoicing and support email addresses to Mail settings under the System settings menu.
  • Added Software licenses sub-menu to Licenses menu, which represents the used 3rd party software and their licenses.
  • Added PM2 functionality.
  • Added template accessibility per customer.
  • Added device register rate limiting.
  • Added Enforce password change in case of weak passwords option to the System settings menu.
  • Added appropriate error messages to login when the user or client is restricted.
  • Added Single sign-on (SSO) only login feature.
  • Added LDAP authentication.
  • Added PIN code-based user authentication.
  • Added new role: Device user.
  • Added Content assign and Content preview as new configurable webhook actions.
  • Added webhook actions by device tag.
  • Added calendar type to Google and Microsoft credentials.
  • Added calendar type datasource.
  • Added password change functionality in case of weak passwords.
  • Password policy is now configurable on the backend with properties.
  • Added external event (sensor, touch, ...) files to export and precache lists.
  • Added device registration rule function.
  • Base64 images can be uploaded to the system now.
  • Added specific screens filter option for custom asset statistics.
  • Added reset sensor function to the context menu of devices.
  • Added pulsing buttons for collapsed sections on the Summary page.


  • Changed device info modal design under the administrator tab.
  • Extended knowledgeBase link list.
  • Help link was removed from the Downloads menu under the Settings tab, instead, it is placed into the Help button.
  • Replaced gauge charts with doughnut charts under the Administrator tab.
  • Improved template selector when creating new content.
  • Changed the technology and design of System dashboard charts.
  • Removed Exit on click option from System settings menu and moved to the settings of contents and loops.
  • Added default Terms of service form.
  • Removed .wmv and .ogg from supported video file extensions list.
  • Improved Microsoft credential token handling.
  • Optimized the webhook processes on the server-side.
  • Optimized the communication process between the Master and DMS servers.
  • Install as Brightsign firmware option will not appear anymore for non Brightsign devices on Install application popup.

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where increasing the balance of an advertiser with a very huge number responded with Something went wrong: 400.
  • Fixed a bug where PWA client was pointing to the wrong URL under the Settings tab.