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Editor interfaces

In our system we differentiate 4 types of assignable contents:

Each of these types have their own interface or sub-menu where you can build and customize them for maximum effect.


Create impactful content swiftly with Loops, a streamlined version of Contents featuring image sequences and engaging videos. Optimized for low resource usage for smoother display and movement even on budget-friendly devices.


  • Loops are the simpler version of contents.
  • Users can create loops of images, videos, or layouts with predefined zones where other elements can be included.
  • The size of the toolset benefits from improved performance due to the fact that displaying and moving the elements requires less resources.
  • Loops are recommended if you want to whip up something quick.

Read more about Loops


Our Scheduler, as user-friendly as Google Calendar, offers an intuitive calendar interface and drag-and-drop functionality for efficient content scheduling. Save time and frustration, scheduling like a pro!


  • Schedules are calendar-like planners which allow you to create reusable scheduled playlist of contents for your screens.
  • You can schedule contents here

Read more about Schedules


Learn about our robust fully featured content editor which is like Photoshop meets Canva built right into our platform.


  • With Contents you have so many choices to create creative contents you wish to play on your screen.
  • Contents can be handle more complex tasks than Loops
  • The size of the toolset is generously greater than the toolset of Loops.
  • Contents are recommended if you want to whip up something creative or complex.

Read more about Contents


Campaigns is a tool that allows you to dynamically organize content playback placement and timing of your Contents, Messages, Files or even your file Folders at scale. You just have to choose


Read more about Campaigns